Tuesday, April 22, 2014

For Such a Time as This

If you have small children, you may have seen the Veggie Tales rendition of the Biblical story of Esther.  

I love how on the bottom of the DVD case it highlights that the story is a "lesson in COURAGE."  I'm not sure how well Veggie Tales did in staying true to the actual Biblical account, BUT it's a great story and an EXCELLENT lesson for ALL of us, not just our small children.

If you're not familiar with Esther and her incredible testimony, you should check it out!!!  Long story short is that Esther was picked from all the girls in the land as the most beautiful and pleasing to the king.  She became the new queen and was immediately faced with a life-threatening situation.  Either she needed to risk her life and go before the king uninvited (something that could have gotten her head chopped off, depending on the king's mood at that particular moment) or stand aside and let all her fellow Jews be slaughtered.  She chose the UNSAFE route and ended up saving the Jewish people.  One of the famous quotes from Esther's story comes when her cousin Mordecai flat out tells her she NEEDS to do something whether it is safe or not, "Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?

Mordecai was right.  God could have used someone else to save His people.  BUT He had sovereignly placed Esther in a position where SHE could make a difference.  The choice was hers.  She could play it safe and hope she would be spared since she was the queen, but in so doing she would watch all her Jewish friends and family perish.  Her other choice required COURAGE, a lot of it.  She had to go before the king, not knowing if he would gladly welcome her or angrily send her to the chopping block, but in so doing she could potentially save an entire nation.  

Thankfully, Esther made the courageous choice.  Maybe as she thought about Mordecai's question, "Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?" she recalled the story of Joshua as he led the Israelites into battle.  Maybe she could relate to him since he too was young when God called him up to carry out some BIG plans.  Perhaps she remembered what God told Joshua, "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  Whatever the case may be, Esther chose to be strong and COURAGEOUS.  She chose not to let fear or worry or doubt or uncertainty or anything else keep her from doing what God was calling her to do.  She chose to accept the challenge before her, finding strength in God and His presence.  She realized God indeed had placed her in her position as queen for this very moment, and she rose to the occasion.  

And now, thousands of years later, we are still reading about her courage.  Heck, we are watching cartoon movies about her as a green onion (I think that's what vegetable she is)!

What about YOU?  
Has God called you to something bigger than yourself?  
Has God asked you to do something scary or difficult or even humanly impossible?  
Has God put you in a certain position for a specific reason?

No matter who you are or where you are at in life, I want to assure you that God has indeed done all those things.  
He HAS called you to something bigger than yourself.
He HAS asked you to do something scary or difficult or even humanly impossible.
He HAS put you exactly where you are at this very moment for a very specific reason (though I may not know exactly what that reason is...yet).

And, just like Esther, YOU have a CHOICE to make.
Will you decide to play it safe OR will you decide to "be strong and courageous?"
Will you hope someone else steps up OR will you realize God has you where you are "for such a time as this?"

I feel as though I am living out the story of Esther in my own life, right now.  

NO, I am not risking my life to save an entire nation, BUT I do feel as though I am responding to God's leading and doing what He has called me to do.  It is a little scary and difficult.  It is certainly bigger than myself.  And beyond a shadow of a doubt it is even humanly impossible!  YET, I know in my heart of hearts God has created me for SUCH A TIME AS THIS.

You see, when I became an It Works distributor it was never really about the wrap (or even the greens, which is the product that got me hooked).  It has always been so much more than that.  It's ALWAYS been about changing lives.  Be it that I am helping people invest in their health -- via the wrap or greens or other supplements or skin care or whatever -- and get the most out of life or be it that I am helping people invest in their finances so they can be debt free and have the freedom to go and do more and live more and GIVE more!  Even more so, I see It Works as a platform for God to use me to impact COUNTLESS LIVES ALL OVER THE WORLD.  (I told you this is scary and difficult and bigger than myself and humanly impossible.)  This is about empowering people, especially other moms to be the women God has created them to be.  This is about sharing the love of Jesus with anyone and everyone, showing them how He is at work in my life, how He is blessing me, and how He longs to have a personal relationship with anyone and everyone who will let Him into their hearts and lives.  This is about bringing massive amounts of glory and honor and praise to God's marvelous and majestic name -- sharing stories of His faithful provision, relating testimonies of how our natural (God-made) products are helping people get their health and thus their lives back, and using the resources He has so graciously given us to bless others in "big" and "small" ways.   

As an It Works distributor I am doing something a bit different.  Not everyone is on board.  Not everyone understands.  Not everyone believes in the product or the business.  And that's okay.  I can't let that stop me or keep me from doing what I truly believe God has called me to do and be.  Instead, I chose to be "strong and courageous."  I chose to believe I am here, right now, doing this crazy wrap thing (that's so much more) "for such a time as this."

This morning, I read a testimony from a fellow distributor and thought it went along perfectly with what God is doing in my own heart.  Here's what Melody MacFarlene had to say about her role in It Works:

In June 2005 I was living in "my own little world". I knew that God had a plan for my life, but I just didn't know what it was. I was a good daughter, good sister, good wife, good mother, good friend, but there just had to be more. I got into It Works because that Crazy Wrap Thing worked. I got excited and started making money right away. After 15 years in network marketing, I finally found a business that was working. For the first time I was seeing the fruits of my labor. I could see that this business was going to be the answer to our prayers for financial freedom. We were going to be able to retire Blair and do some things for us. It was all about what it was going to do for the McFarlane family.

But something happened along the way. I began to see a deeper purpose. People's lives were being impacted because I opened the door of this amazing opportunity for them. It wasn't about me any more. That point was driven into my spirit by my sister, Kimberly. You see, she was diagnosed with lung cancer in Jan. 2007. According to her doctors, she did not have long to live. I wanted to put my business on the back burner and spend the time she had left with her. When I told her my plans, she was adamant that I could not do that. Her words pierced deep into my spirit,"You were born for this purpose! You are walking in your destiny, the very reason that God put you on this earth!! You can't stay here with me, it's not about you and it's not about me…it's about the people that God is putting in your path. This is bigger than both of us!"

At that moment it was if my eyes were opened really wide and I saw the much bigger picture. I put my agenda aside and picked up God's agenda and started building like never before. I became the company's first Triple Diamond on March 31, 2007. Kimberly was the first person I called to share the news. She was ecstatic! She said "This is only the beginning my dear sister, you ain't seen nothing yet!" I can hear her voice like it was yesterday. My amazing sister passed away a little over a week later on April 9th. I am thankful that she was the one who helped me to fully understand my purpose. Her fiery spirit lives on in her daughter, Kristen Anderson, Triple Diamond.

I don't know what it will take for you to see the "bigger" picture. I pray that you will hang in there long enough with It Works to do whatever it takes to fulfill your God-given destiny. I want you to take some time and get alone with God. Ask Him to show you the plans He has for you. Put your business into His hands and don't worry about anything. You do the work and God will bless it. We all want it to happen now, but it will happen when it's supposed to. In the meantime it's so important to work on developing the best "you" you can be. Read books or listen to books on cd to build your confidence and your belief. Go to Success on Demand in your esuite and dig into that awesome resource. Make the quality decision to never quit and then go to work. Blitz, blitz, blitz…you only need a few good ones to change your life. They are out there, I promise. Your "own little world" will begin to grow from you to thousands!! God bless!!

I LOVE that so many top leaders in this company continually bring us back to God and to live out HIS purpose for our lives.  I LOVE that they remind us to get out of comfort zone, to push ourselves, to "be strong and courageous" so that God can do BIG things through us.  

Know what's kind of funny too?  Well, maybe not funny, but totally GOD...  The It Works boxes actually have this verse printed on each and every one of them!!!  

Coincidence?  I don't think so!!!  

Again, I want to ask you if God is calling you to do something bigger than yourself. 
Is he wanting you to do something scary or difficult or even humanly impossible?
Does He have you where you are at right now "for such a time as this?"

Don't let fear or worry or doubt or uncertainy or anything else stand in your way.  Don't let anything or anyone from doing what God has called you to do, what He has CREATED you to do!!!

For we are God’s masterpiece. 
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, 
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Step out and be an Esther with me.   Whatever your "such a time as this" may be.  

As we chose COURAGE together, I will be praying these words from the apostle Paul for you:

So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. 
We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will 
and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. 
Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, 
and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. 
All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power 
so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. 
May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. 
He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, 
who live in the light. 
For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness 
and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, 
who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.

I'll also be praying these verses from Paul as well:

So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. 
May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 
Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, 
and you will be honored along with him. 
This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.

If you've decided to be an Esther today, I would love to know!!!  Feel free to message me or even call me so we can pray together for strength and courage as we do whatever God is calling us to do for the sake of His glorious name!

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