If I have learned anything in the past 2 years, I have learned to DREAM.
I have realized the importance of dreaming.
And dreaming BIG.
I have come to understand how dreaming is beneficial and GOOD.
Not just for me.
Oh no, for my 3 young girls more than anything.
I want them to truly believe they can DO anything and BE anything when they grow up.
And not just then, but NOW too.
Why do we listen to the LIE that we have to grow up before we can fulfill our dreams or make a difference or impact a life or change the world?!
MY girls will NOT hear any of those lies in this house.
Not if I can help it.
Instead, they will be reminded DAILY that they can do whatever it is that God lays on their hearts. If He gives them a dream, then by all means they should GO for it. Who cares how ridiculous or big or hard or impossible it might be? Who am I to stiffle their imagination or pop their bubble or bring them back down to reality?
I am their mama.
MY job is to give them HOPE.
My job is to model to them STRENGTH.
My job is to be an example of perseverance and determination and hard work.
My job is to show them what setting and reaching goals looks like in real life.
My job is to invite them to join me on the adventures God has for our family and to encourage them all along the way.
I am their mama.
I pray I teach them to dream.
To dream so big that people think we are a crazy family, and then to stand amazed as GOD brings our dreams to fruition as we TRUST Him and follow hard after Him.
Our ultimate purpose in life, the main reason we are here on this earth is to KNOW JESUS and to MAKE HIM KNOWN.
Everything else is secondary.
Now, how God chooses to work in our lives to fulfill those plans and purposes He has for us, that's a funny story. I never ever in a MILLION years would have imagined that He would use a crazy wrap business to provide for our family and enable us to live out our dreams and help others do the same. But, here He is doing just that.
And again, who am I to question GOD?
I am His child.
HE has given me HOPE.
He has modeled STRENGTH.
He has been the best example of perseverance and determination and hard work.
He has shown me what it means to set goals, to have a plan, and to do every single thing He said He would do.
He has invited me on a GRAND ADVENTURE, preparing the way in advance and then encouraging and supporting and sometimes even carrying me all along the way.
He is my Father.
And has CERTAINLY taught me to dream.
He is the MASTER dreamer.
I pray I can help my girls know this about Him.
And become like Him in this regard.
As a former teacher, I know children tend to learn best by WATCHING.
Someone recently told me, "People don't hear what you say. They see what you DO."
Oh, I pray my 3 young girls (and the baby on the way) see me dreaming BIG, going after my dreams, and believing with all my heart that GOD has a plan and purpose for me that is so much more than I could ever imagine for myself.
In watching me, I pray they too will become DREAMERS.
Now, as children.
And NEVER lose that sense of wonder or their vivid imagination or child-like innocence.
I pray they take that with them as they grow up, changing the world all along the way.
Today, my 5 year old let me know that so far she is catching on quite well. She saw our family dream board by my desk. We went over everything on it.
Then, she asked me if we had any magazines. I knew I kept those Family Fun magazines stored away for a reason! I immediately got them out, and my daughter got right to work. She keeps calling me over and showing me another thing she has found that she wants to do! I LOVE it!
She inspires me.
Maybe I can learn more from her than she can learn from me!
Ah, the journey of life, with all its twists and turns, its ups and downs. As we travel along the path God has prepared for us, I figure I might as well share some of our adventures on the way. Maybe then, I can make a little better sense of things!
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