I am a little late, but better late than never is what they say. Last Sunday was Wonder Woman's birthday. No, no, not the superhero. My mom. In honor of her birthday, I thought I would list the top 60 things I love, appreciate, admire, and respect about her. So here goes:
1. I would have to start out with the obvious fact that if not for my mom I wouldn't be here today. She had quite the time getting me into the world, and after having given birth myself, I now have a new appreciation for those 48 hours of labor and then the C-section she "endured" to make my life possible.
2. Another obvious one, for anyone who knows my mom in the least, is that she is the most generous person I know.
3. To along with her generosity, my mom is extremely thoughtful, always looking out for things other people may need or ways that she can bless those around her.
4. In addition to that, my mom is a caring person. When other people are hurting, she is hurting.
5. This is probably redundant, but my mom is selfless. If she is blessed, she immediately looks for ways that she can use that to bless others.
6. Again, my mom is a servant. If someone needs help, she tries to find a way she can meet their need -- including selling stuff on ebay for them, having a garage sale, working the clock at sporting games, or driving someone to a game.
7. Following that, my mom is supportive. When I was in junior high and high school, she was at all of my volleyball and basketball games and my track meets. Now she still supports Berean and attends many of their athletic events.
8. My mom is encouraging. She always has something nice to say to you to make your day.
9. Along with that, my mom is attentive. It's like she is trying to pay special attention to what is happening in people's lives so she knows how she can serve them, help them, or encourage them.
10. I think this goes without saying because everything so far has been an example of this, but my mom is loving.
11. My mom is reliable. If she says she will do something, you can count on her to do it.
12. Again, probably repeating myself here, but my mom is dependable. If you need help, you can ask her and she will be there for you.
13. Right along those lines, my mom is faithful. She frequently calls me to see how we are doing, and if you are in her life, she is going to do her best to be an active part of it.
14. My mom is also patient. A few months ago I watched her take care of my grandma -- helping her walk, getting her food ready, dressing her, bathing her, and so much more. Now that is patience at its finest (well, besides dealing with me day in and day out for the 18 years I was home).
15. Mom is crafty. She has made Coralyn numerous sleep slacks, bibs, a denim skirt, and of course her birthday tutu.
16. Hand in hand with that, my mom is resourceful, finding creative ways to put "junk" or "leftovers" to good use.
17. My mom is also thorough. If she is going to do something, she is going to do it well.
18. Personable is another word for my mom. She enjoys talking with people and sharing in their lives in so many different ways.
19. Mom is committed. The latest example of this is her commitment to lose weight and have a more healthy lifestyle. She had ridden hundreds of miles on her bike and stayed on track with her "diet" as part of this commitment.
20. Going along with that, my mom is dedicated. If she puts her mind to it, you can count on it getting done.
21. Another side of that is that my mom strives for excellence. She always gives her best.
22. My mom is also family minded. She enjoys spending time with us and shows us her love in so many ways.
23. Open arms are another pair of words that describe my mom. She has welcomed Lawrence into our family, not to mention his entire family as well.
24. If I am going to be honest, I have to include that mom can be opinionated. That's good though because she's not afraid to let you know what she's thinking.
25. On the flip side of the coin, my mom is also understanding. If she disagrees with me, she tries to understand my position and let me have my own opinion or way of doing things. She's done great at letting me be the mom I want to be for Coralyn.
26. While we are on that note, my mom is a fantastic Grammy. Coralyn is supplied with clothes, coats, bibs, diapers, shoes, and much more thanks to her (and Lawrence's family too).
27. Thankful is another word for my mom. She is good about expressing her gratitude for all God has given her and what He is doing in her life.
28. Mom is also humble. She doesn't like to draw attention to herself or the many ways she has been able to bless others.
29. Hospitable describes my mom too. She may not cook all the time, but if you go to her house, she will take great care of you. Every time we go to visit, she has Mountain Dew for Lawrence because she knows that is his favorite kind of pop.
30. Mom is down to earth. She doesn't have to have the latest, greatest, biggest, best thing.
31. Determination would be another characteristic of my mom. I think about when we were hiking in Arizona and even though she didn't feel well at all, she was determined to make it back to the car without help.
32. Busy describes my mom to the "T." She is always doing something. I don't think she can sit still for longer than 2 minutes! :)
33. With that said, Mom is a hustler, in a good way. She works fast and hard to get things done.
34. My mom is also very observant. She notices little things that most people don't even think about. It's like she is on the look out for things people may need or things she could do to help.
35. Along those lines, my mom is willing. She gives of herself, her time, her talents, etc. cheerfully and finds joy in doing it.
36. Okay, we're getting further down in the list so I don't want to reuse words, but I'm pretty sure I haven't used this one yet: ambitious. Mom isn't afraid to take on "big" tasks and does a great job getting them done.
37. With that, she is industrious, working as long as necessary to finish something.
38. Mom is also proactive. She doesn't sit back and wait for things to happen. She takes the initiative and starts the ball rolling.
39. This one probably goes without saying since a lot of the previous words are evidence of this trait, but my mom is kind.
40. She is loyal as well.
41. Sympathetic would be another word to describe Mom. She often calls to let me know how I can be praying for people who are in difficult situations.
42. Energetic fits my mom well too. She's like the energizer bunny and just keeps going and going and going.
43. My mom is intelligent, especially when it comes to grammar! :)
44. Experienced is another word I think of when I think of my mom. She has worked many different jobs in her lifetime.
45. Competitive is definitely a characteristic of Mom. She's where I got it. When I was little she would enter me in the distance events at track meets so I would be guaranteed a ribbon or medal.
46. Thought of another "C" word: competent. Mom is able to do quite a few things and does them extremely well.
47. Staying with the "C's" my mom is a conversationalist. She loves to talk!
48. When I think of my mom, another word that comes to mind is seamstress. She has made Coralyn blankets, bibs, sleep sacks, and more. She can repair tears, replace buttons, and lots more so I don't have to. :)
49. Independent also describes Mom. While she does like being with people, she can do things and go places on her own.
50. Almost there...I thought I should use some intellectual ones here at the end. Mom is amicable (friendly and good-willed).
51. Gregarious: Mom likes talking to people and is energized when surrounded by large crowds of people.
52. Convivial: she is full of life.
53. Now we get simple. But still so true. Irreplaceable. There's never going to be another person like her. So blessed that she is my mom!
54. Unforgettable. Once you have met my mom, you will remember her. All you have to do is go to a Berean athletic event and say "Cleta" and everyone will know who you are talking about.
55. Generous...I know I already said this one, but it's so true it needs to be said again.
56. A blessing. She has touched so many lives!
57. Wonderful.
58. A. MA .ZING. What else is there to say?
59. Well, I need two more...Inspiring is definitely word I have to include. My mom has lived out what it means to be like Jesus, and she inspires me to do the same.
60. Last one...precious. I love my mom a whole lot. She is a very special lady! She is a Wonder Woman!!!
Happy Birthday (like I said a bit late) to my mom!