Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dreaming for OTHERS

This morning on K-Love I heard a touching story of a young woman who is living out her childhood dreams.  She's not starring in a movie or walking down any runways or posing for a magazine cover.  She's not a rockstar or an Olympic athlete.  She's not a lawyer or doctor.  She's just 21 years old, so I don't even know if she's finished college yet.  BUT, she IS saving lives.  Lots of them!

When this young woman was a little girl, about 8 years old, she wrote in her journal, "If I could do anything for God I would build an entire village in Africa."  With 3 mission trips under her belt, Cassandra is now in the pre-field stage of becoming a full time missionary to South Africa, where she will be working with families affected by the devastating AIDS epidemic there.  If you want to read the full story about Cassandra, it's quite inspiring!

I was already thinking about dreaming, yet again, when I heard this story on the radio.  I think Cassandra's journey confirms what God was speaking to me in my heart.

You see, for the past couple days I have been focused on the dreams I have for my 3 young girls.  I read a great article today about parenting and being more intentional about raising children who will be happy, successful adults.  I do want my girls to be happy and successful, of course, but more than anything I want them to be women who make a difference in the lives of those around them.  I want them to be women of character, women who love others and show kindness and compassion to even the most "unlovely" of individuals.  I want them to be women who are always on the look out for ways they can bless others, ways they can speak truth into people's lives, ways they can encourage and support and inspire their friends and strangers alike to dream big and get the absolute most out of life each and every day.  The thing is, though, if I want them to be women who do these things, then I need to show them how to be young girls who do these things.  And, as the article reminded me, children often learn much better by watching than by hearing.  They may not remember a single word I say, but I can guarantee you they will remember what I DO.  So, I must teach by example.  If I want them to be that type of woman when they grow up, I need to be that type of woman NOW.  

As I think about the dreams I have for my girls, and how I would do just about anything to help them fulfill their dreams - no matter how wild or crazy they may be - I am realizing it's okay for ME to dream too.

For only as I dream, will my little girls be brave enough to dream.

As I dream and pray and work to make my dreams become a reality, my girls will see that.  They will be part of that.  They will grow up knowing God can do the humanly impossible.  They will grow up knowing God has special plans and purposes for them, plans and purposes that are so much bigger than they can ever imagine.  They will grow up knowing God is at work in and through them.  They will grow up knowing God can use anyone - including THEM - to make His name known and to bring people to Jesus.  They will grow up knowing that living all out for God isn't "safe," but it's the BEST thing to do, the most fulfilling, meaningful thing, the ONLY thing.

So, I ask you today, BEG you really, to DREAM.  Not just regular, run of the mill dreams either.  No, if you are going to dream, you might as well dream BIG.  Bigger than you have ever dreamed before.  So big that your dreams scare you.  Because only then are your dreams beyond what YOU can do and in the realm of what GOD alone can do.  And those kind of dreams bring glory and honor to His name.  Those kind of dreams get people's attention and help them see how truly powerful and amazing and faithful and good and majestic and wonderful God is.  You see, your dreams aren't about you at all.  Hate to burst your bubble.  But really, your dreams are all about GOD.  For He is the One who places those dreams in your heart in the first place.  He is the One who helps you make your dreams come true.  He is the one who gets all the credit when they do.

With this in mind, I ask you once more to DREAM BIG.

If not for yourself, for your children.  And your children's children.

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