Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Let's Finish This Together

Yesterday, I shared about running the relay race of LIFE.
To do that I stressed how important listening to the RIGHT voice is.
We are bombarded with voices - NOISE - every single day from so many different sources:

*You can't
*You aren't enough
*You don't measure up
*You need more
*You fall short
*You're going to fail
*You're crazy to think you could succeed at that (whatever that is)
*You're fat
*You're ugly
*You're stupid or dumb or slow
*You're not like everyone else
*You don't fit it
*You don't belong

I am sure I could keep going.
But, I bet you get the idea.
We hear the voices enough we don't need any more reminders.

However, we MUST stop listening to these voices.
They are LYING to us.
Deceiving us.
Tricking us.
Suffocating us.
Destroying us.

BUT, they do NOT have to.
We do NOT have to listen.
Remember, we get to CHOOSE which voice we listen to and believe.
Yesterday, I challenged us to tune out the lies and to open our ears ONLY to the voice of TRUTH.

As we reject the lies and let the truth penetrate our hearts, we begin to change.
We start to believe

*I can
*I AM enough
*I DO measure up
*I have ALL I need
*I can reach my goals
*I can succeed
*I may be crazy but I KNOW this can happen (whatever this is)
*I am healthy
*I am beautiful
*I am smart
*I am unique and don't need to be like everyone else
*I am going to celebrate my personality and gifts and abilities
*I have something special to offer
*I am needed
*I can make a difference
*I can change the world

If you are starting out on this journey, I strongly suggest you speak these TRUTHS to yourself over and over, every day.  Post them on your fridge, on your mirror, on your desk, in your car, wherever you are going to see them on a regular basis.  Read them out loud.  As you voice these POSITIVE thoughts, you will begin to realize they aren't just words.  They are TRUTH.

I know that might sound silly or strange, but give it a try.
See what happens to your heart and soul after a week of tuning out the lies and letting the TRUTH seep into the deepest part of you.

I bet you will be more inspired to run the race of life.
And not only that but to help others run with you.

You might feel like the weakest leg on the relay team, but remember even the 3rd leg (usually the slowest leg of the 4 on a relay team) is essential to the team's success.  If that 3rd leg decides not to run or only gives a half-hearted effort, no way will the team do well.  BUT, if that 3rd leg goes out there and does the best he/she can, the team wins - no matter what place they finish.

FINISHING is the key.
It is the most important part to the race of life.

Well, I might have to retract that.
I think HOW we run is pretty crucial too.

Sometimes, though, life is HARD.
Going on seems to be too much.
We convince ourselves that we need a break, just a little rest before we get up and go on our way again.  We start to slow down and all too often stop all together.

Without realizing what is happening, we get sidetracked and never get back on the track.
Life passes before us without meaning or purpose.
We feel lost.
We start to listen to the wrong voices again.

THIS is why we shouldn't run alone.
We NEED each other.

I remember back in high school when our volleyball coach would make the team run a timed mile.  To earn a spot on the team you had to complete the mile in a certain time.  I don't remember the exact times, but I know to be on varsity you had to run a little faster than you did to secure a spot on JV.  Of course, I wanted to be on the "A" team.  So, I ran my heart out.

I am more of a sprinter - or at least I was at the time.  Now, I LOVE to get out and run and run (completed my first half marathon last year and am already planning to run another one and maybe even a FULL marathon in 2016 after baby #4 is born).  Back in the day, though, long distance was NOT my forte.

I WAS competitive though.  I made a goal to stay up with the top runners on the team.  And I did for the first HALF mile.  As we turned around and headed back down the street (we ran in the small town where our high school was located), I began to grow weary.  My legs were TIRED.  I began to tell myself there was NO way I could continue going at this speed.

Before I could slow down to catch my breath, my team mate Natalie came along side me and grabbed my hand.  "Let's finish this together," she encouraged.  And so she literally drug me along as we looked forward to the end of the mile.  Every block she would whisper, "We'll walk at the next street," but when we passed the next street sign we did NOT stop to walk or even slow down.  Instead, I feel like we got FASTER at each intersection!  As we finally reached our coach waiting at the "finish line," we collapsed, exhausted.  I wanted to scream at Natalie, but I didn't have any extra breath to spare.  I wanted to be mad at her, but then I saw my time written on the clipboard.  It was a PR (personal record).  I had gotten my BEST time ever, all because Natalie ran with me - or MADE me run with her!

Several weeks later when we did another timed mile (had to prove we could KEEP our spot), I didn't have to hold Natalie's hand or have her pull me along.  I was able to run "on my own" and still finish well.  You see, after that race, I KNEW what I was capable of, that I COULD run faster than I thought, that I COULD keep up with the top runners (well, mabye just a tad behind them)!

Had Natalie passed me by that day, though, I don't know if that would be the case.
Actually, I know it would NOT be.
I would have stopped to walk.
Yes, I still would have finished, but not nearly as fast and certainly not with a personal best.

I am here to grab your hand.
To encourage you.
To lift you up.
Support you.
Let you know you CAN do this.
I believe in you (even if you don't believe in yourself, yet).
I am right here with you.

"Let's run together!"

For only as we run hand in hand can we truly win at this race of life!
We must EACH do our part.
And give it our best.
THEN, pass the baton to the next generation so they too can run THEIR leg of the race.
We set the example for them, though.
HOW we run does matter.
Others are watching.  Learning.  From US.

What are we teaching them?
What words are we speaking into their lives?
Even more importantly, what do our ACTIONS say?

Do we sound like the mixed up messages of the world, the LIES?
Or do we reinforce the voice of TRUTH?

In my next blog, I want to talk more about leaving a legacy for the future generation.
For NOW, let's remember this - as we run the race of life, we NEED each other.
We are a TEAM.

So, grab my hand.
"Let's finish this together!"

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