Coralyn's 14 month milestone was December 6, and I didn't post anything about her newest accomplishments. Like I said, better late than never. So here is just a few of the things Coralyn has been up to in the past month:
*Not only is she signing to communicate with us, but she is actually starting to say real words. You may have to listen closely or know what she is talking about, but I think you can understand the words coming out of her mouth. Her vocabulary now includes: Mama, Dada, more, please, eat, ball, block, book, da for "that" as she holds something up and wants you to say its name, wa-wa for water or drink in general, sna for snack, all done, ni-ni for night (or bedtime or her pacifier which she only gets at bedtime), and hi (which she says when she holds the phone up to her ear).
*She can moo like a cow, show the trunk of an elephant, roar like a lion, stretch out her neck like a giraffe, flap her arms like a bird (or airplane).
*She can drive the carts at Hy-Vee. Well, she can pretend to steer at least.
*She can stack cups and put the rings on the tower thing.
*She can put a puppet on her hand and make it say hi.
*She waves hello and good-bye. She runs to the door any time I say someone is here for daycare. She knows to run to the door in the kitchen (out to the garage) when I say Daddy is home since he always comes in through the garage.
*She goes right to her chair when I say "Let's eat a snack," or "Time for lunch."
*She will help clean up her toys.
*She will throw away dirty diapers and put the wipes in the basket.
*She will go on the potty (not all the time, but hey I take anytime!)
*She can throw a football (and other balls too). She knows the ping pong balls are downstairs and goes to the door and says please to let us know she wants another ball.
*She will get down on her hands and knees (and sometimes stomach) to look for balls under the coach or chair.
*She can use a fork or spoon if I put the food on it for her.
*She can color a picture (and knows right where the crayons are!). She will help put the crayons away when she is done. And she puts her picture on the chair every time since that is where I always have the boys put their finished art projects.
*She can play with play-dough and roll it out into a snake. She will put it away too!
*She will help me get her dressed by putting out her arms and legs. She will try to put her socks and shoes on.
*She can shake her NO to let us know she doesn't want something.
*She bows her head to pray.
*She rubs her hands to wash them.
*She knows what cup/bottle belongs to which daycare kiddo and will take the cup to him/her.
*She will take her play camera and face it the right way and smile really big then take a picture of herself (can you tell she is used to the camera!).
*She can turn on the TV and will bring you the remote so you can get the video ready (we only watch TV after snack time, but she gets the idea of how the TV works).
*She can brush her teeth.
I am sure there are many, many more things my amazing daughter can do. She is excellent a mimicking what she sees others around her do. Really cool that she can pick up on things like that, but kind of scary too. I have to make sure I am setting a good example for her!
I am amazed at how quickly she is growing up. I know it's a good thing, but at times I get said when I think how she isn't my "baby" anymore. Well, she will be until June or July, at least! I can't wait to see what kind of big sister Coralyn is!
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