Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kellah Grace {21 Months}

My baby girl is growing up and really isn't a baby anymore!!!  Good thing too, since the new baby will be arriving before we know it (sometime in November is our guess)!!!

Kellah is 21 months today, and might - just might - weigh 20 pounds!  I love that she's small.  Almost everywhere we go, I hear about how tiny she is.  Just looking at her, they assume she's closer to one than she is to two, and so they're surprised at all she can do.  I love how she doesn't let her size stand in her way, but just jumps right in and does whatever the bigger kids around her are doing.  And if she wants something, you better believe she will let you know it -- loud and clear.

The girl has no fear and would probably try to climb Mt. Everest if I let her.  She's pretty tough too, getting right back up if someone bumps her or accidentally knocks her over when playing and running around together.  And she's not shy to initiate rough play either, tackling Coralyn or jumping on Daddy's back or wrestling with kids 5x her size!

I love that about her, though, and hope she stays tough as she gets older.  Chances are she's not going to have a major growth spurt putting her at the top of her class in height or weight.  She'll probably always be one of the smaller kids, but she's not going to let that get in her way of accomplishing whatever she puts her mind to doing!

Kellah is talking more and more each day, adding new words and even putting a few together to make short sentences.  She knows when I say we are getting ready to leave to go somewhere, she needs her shoes.  "Shoes car," she tells me, reminding me that she once again took her shoes off in the car and we left them there -- so much easier that way!  She's really picking up on things she sees us doing and is quite the little imitator, be it mimicking Coralyn as they play together or waving her arm and saying, "Come on," with the exact tone and inflection I so often do as I urge the girls to get going or keep up with me along the way.

I think the copying stage has helped Kellah figure out potty training pretty well.  We're not going out in public in big girl pants or anything yet, but we're close!!!  She'll let me know when she needs to go, and for the most part gives me enough warning that we are able to make it to the bathroom in time too!  We have a few accidents here and there, but for 21 months, I am pretty excited about her progress (and the lack of diapers I have had to change in the past couple weeks)!

Kellah is starting to like books, not quite as much as Coralyn does, but I'm just happy to see her sitting down and flipping through books on her own now.  Or even sitting still on my lap to listen to me read the girls a book or two.  Usually, we can't get more than that in without having some kind of dramatic situation happening -- Coralyn held the book where Kellah wanted to, Kellah turned the page before Coralyn was ready, someone sat on my lap in the exact spot the other person just had to sit, and so on.  BUT, we are making progress.  If my biggest issue is having my girls crawl all over me and fight about who gets to sit on my lap and hold the book we're reading, I think I can handle that.  I'll take those kind of problems any day!!

Kellah is also beginning to show quite an interest in puzzles, coloring, and other "learning" activities I do with Coralyn on a regular basis.  I LOVE how she just jumps right in and wants to participate in "school time!"

Kellah may not like to sit still for more than .6 seconds, but when she does slow down long enough to cuddle, she gives a good hug and kiss.  I just about melt every time she reaches for my belly saying, "Baby" and lifts up my shirt to give her brother/sister a hug and kiss.  That's another thing the girls fight about these days -- who gets to hug and kiss the baby first at bedtime.  I love it!!!  I just hope Kellah loves the baby as much after he/she is born as she seems to now!

Being a big sister is going to be quite the adjustment for Kellah, I am thinking!  She is a good helper though, bringing me toys for Camden (the little daycare boy I watch part-time) or making sure his mom gets his diaper bag every day when she comes to pick him up.  She likes to "help" me unload the dishwasher, make banana bread, and fold clothes.  She likes to "help" me get groceries and vacuum.  She's not as keen on putting up toys as she is dumping them out, right after I fill a container and turn around to get the lid :)

It's a good thing she's so cute because Kellah can certainly be a little stinker at times.  She just looks at you with a huge grin, tilts her head, and laughs.  It's as if she knows she cute and wants to see how far that will get her!  You can't help but love her though!!!

Seriously, I am soooo blessed to be her mama!  I love watching her grow up and pray for her to become the little lady God has created and designed her to be.  She's started "praying" now at meal times and before bed.  Her little jumbled mess of words, said with eyes squinted shut and followed by the cutest little, "Thank You," ever melts my heart every time.  I pray she understands the deep, deep love of Jesus and the joy of living for Him.  I pray she becomes strong in her faith and stands firm no matter how hard or scary or challenging it may be.  I pray she is a light to those around her, sharing God's grace with them and helping them see firsthand what a personal relationship with Him looks like day in and day out.

My baby girl is only 21 months old, but I know God has some big plans for this little girl!  I'm excited to see what they are and honored/humbled to play a small part in them!

I love you, Kellah Grace, more than words could ever say!!!

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