March was an amazing month for our family! My husband and I earned $50,000 in bonuses from our health and wellness company It Works! We worked HARD, but we couldn't have done this without help...
from YOU.
Thank you to all of who became customers for the first time.
Thank you to all of you who ordered something extra this month.
Thank you to all of you who told your friends about our natural health products.
Thank you to all of you who prayed for us.
God heard you.
He answered.
Big time.
So, of course, I have to thank Him.
Without Him, none of this would have happened.
No way!
HE gets ALL the glory.
ALL the credit.
Yes, I worked hard.
I posted on Facebook. I sent LOTS of messages. I sent LOTS of texts. I made LOTS of phone calls. I asked A LOT of people to become customers or take the step of faith and join my team. I stayed up late. I talked to moms at the park, the zoo, the library, the grocery store, everywhere we went. I put it all out there. I laid it all on the line.
My husband worked hard too.
He did LOTS of laundry, washed LOTS of dishes, vaccuumed floors, swept and mopped floors, cleaned toilets, took the girls on Daddy-daughter dates, spent good portions of the weekend watching the girls while I did parties, ran errands so I could get more work done, and sooooo many other things behind the scenes. His work may have not been seen or seem like a big deal in terms of signing up customers and distributors. BUT, without his help, we could not have promoted and earned these crazy bonuses!
So, yes, we worked hard. I am not going to deny that. You don't earn $50,000 in bonuses sitting on the couch, twidling your thumbs, and watching hours of television.
My team worked hard too. They too enrolled new customers and distributors. I couldn't have succeeded without their help. That's the beauty of this business - you can NOT get to the top on your own. You only get there by bringing others with you. The more you bring, the higher you go. It's a wonderful thing!
However, we HAVE to give credit where credit is due.
And that would be to GOD.
And HIM alone.
You see, all our work would have been in vain without His blessing.
I truly believe HE multiplied our efforts.
He took what we did and DOUBLED it.
Tripled it.
Quadrupled it.
The whole month is testimony to this.
First, we were given the vision of a "Big Ask," which confirmed in our hearts that God would do something "infinitely greater than we could ever ask or imagine."
As the month went on, I had people join my team who I never would have tought about asking even. One friend in particular BLEW ME AWAY. She was a blessing before becoming an It Works distributor with me, sending me CDs of Christine Cain's messages that continued to speak to my heart and stir up the fire God had first sparked on our church's womens' retreat. Her saying YES to this journey was ALL God, and He has continued to use her to push me and keep me going and RUNNING on this path God has placed me. He has prepared all of this in advance, but as He unfolds the story and shows me the next step - one step at a time - I can't help but stop and stand in awe, my jaw on the floor.
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This wasn't the quote my friend sent me, but I can't find that one. As I was looking, I found THIS one and it is perfectly fitting too! |
As I read this familiar verse, God SPOKE to me. He whispered in my ear. He calmed my heart.
"I've got your back. I know what this means to you. I care about you. Don't worry. Trust Me. I've got it covered."
And so, I got up from my chair, once more CONFIDENT God was going to come through. He was going to have to if this was going to happen. That day I enrolled 4 new cusotmers. The next day, I felt sick (due to my pregnancy) and spent the entire day on the couch. Still, I enrolled 4 more new customers. That night at church, I couldn't even make it through the entire service; I had to go into the nursing mothers' room and lie down on the couch. Sunday, I enrolled another new customer. Monday was the first day of my husband's Spring Break, so we went to the zoo in the morning. When we got home, I enrolled 3 more new customers. Tuesday, the last day of the month - the day everything HAD to be finalized and we were still JUST short of our goal - I enrolled 2 more new customers BEFORE leaving with the family to explore at the Nature Center. By the time we got home that afternoon, EVERYTHING was in place and the promotion official. We had indeed earned $50,000 in bonuses!
Looking back, I can't believe how it all unfolded. 14 customers in 5 days.
As if icing on the cake, I got a 15th customer an hour before the month end deadline, helping a team mate earn a $100 Fast Start Bonus.
In all, I personally enrolled 27 customers in March.
I also personally welcomed 8 new people to my team.
My monthly goal is 4 customers and 3 distributors.
I told you God doubled, tripled, and quadrupled my efforts.
On Friday, before I knew any of this was going to happen like it did, I made a list of what needed to happen for my husband to promote to Diamond and earn a $20,000 bonus. I thought we MIGHT be able to accomplish everything on that list. MIGHT.
I prayed over it and asked God to help us.
I told Him that ONLY He could make this happen, that without Him we would come up short.
He nudged me.
Make a list of what YOU need to go Double Diamond and earn that $30,000 bonus you really want.
I did.
And I shook my head and laughed.
NO way would we be able to do all of that.
But, again, I prayed and asked God to come through, reminding Him that ONLY with His help would this happen.
Then, I got to work.
I enrolled all those customers.
GOD sent them to me.
Some of them I knew and had been asking and following up with for awhile.
Others were totally off my radar, and I had NO idea they were even interested in the products.
Moms, dads, high school students, relatives, distant friends we only see once a year, people I have never even met (friends of friends of friends).
ALL of them were sent from God to order products for the first time.
God touched other people's hearts too. People who were already customers. They needed something extra this month or wanted to get something as a present for a family member. They had run out of something and needed more, immediately. Again, all those "extra" orders were of God too. Some of them totalling the EXACT amount I needed under a specific team mate to reach a requirement for the promotion. You can't tell me that is concidence. Divine appointment is the ONLY explanation for it. I haven't taken a math class since my junior year of high school, so I am glad God is a much better mathematician than me!
When everything was official and the promotions were announced, I cried.
All the emotions that had been welling up inside of me came rushing out.
I was so overwhelmed by God's goodness and grace and faithfulness and provision and love.
I don't deserve this.
And yet, He gives it to me freely.
He pours His blessings out on me.
Generously. Lavishly.
And doing so gives Him joy!
I am His child, and He takes DELIGHT in making me smile.
The Creator of the Universe, the God who spoke the stars into existence and holds the planets in place, knows my name, the number of hairs of my head, and cares about EVERY detail of my life.
In fact, I knew this about God.
When there were 6 days left in the month, and we were still FAR from our goal, I was driving in the car. At a stoplight, I was struck with the thought, "God made EVERYTHING in 7 days. Well, 6 really, since He rested on the 7th day. If He can speak the universe into existence, then surely He can help us reach this goal and help us get the customers we needed." And so I prayed asking Him this very thing. It was a Big Ask, but then again, I was supposed to do that...
And because I did, God gave a BIG Answer.
$50,000 in bonuses!
That pays for our trip to Ethiopia this summer.
That will start our adoption fund.
That will allow us to save up for a trip to Disney World, and answer the NIGHTLY prayers of our 5-year old daughter (and bring many smiles to all 3 of our girls' faces and create countless memories to last a lifetime).
Again, I say THANK YOU.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
From the bottom of my heart.
As I look back on March, I fall to my knees and bow my head and lift my hands in the air.
And I humbly proclaim, "Now to HIM who is able to do INFINITELY more than all we could ask or imagine, to HIM be the glory and power forever and ever. Amen."
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