Thursday, September 17, 2015

Calling All JoJo's

Have you ever felt like JoJo?

Did you even know who JoJo was?

As I was thinking about how to put this post together, JoJo came to mind.
You see, in the story "Horton Hears a Who," JoJo is the son of the mayor of Whoville.  The only son among MANY sisters, he is "different" than everyone else in his family, and really the entire town.  He feels ignored.  Passed over.  Unwanted.

However, as the movie (or book) progresses, we realize how very important JoJo is.
In fact, without JoJo, everyone in Whoville will be destroyed!
ONLY when JoJo joins in and shouts with all the other Who's are the animals able to hear the noise coming from the flower thingy Horton found.

Finally, after spending most of the story in hiding and going seemingly unnoticed, JoJo screams with all the other Who's, "We are here! We are here!  We ARE here!  WE ARE HERE!"

ONLY when HIS voice is heard is the town saved.

Maybe YOU feel like JoJo.
Left out.
Passed over.
Like you are talking, but no one is listening.
Like no one cares.
Like what you think doesn't matter.
Like YOU aren't important either.

Maybe you are so discouraged you have given up hope of things ever changing.
Perhaps you have become so accustomed to this way of life that you are a master at blending in, disguising your true feelings.

You have accepted the LIES that your dreams are impossible, foolish, silly.
You have come to believe different is bad, scary, weird.
You have fallen prey to the attacks of the enemy and lack the energy or enthusiasm to get back up, only to get knocked back down yet again.

JoJo never really stopped being himself.
But he also didn't share his talents or abilities with others.
Instead, he kind of became a recluse.
It was easier that way.

I get it.
When no one seems to be listening to what you're saying, after awhile, you want to just stop talking.
You stop sharing your heart.
Even worse - FAR worse - your heart starts to shrivel and you stop believing your dreams are valid, that they matter, or that they could ever come true.
And so you stop dreaming all together.
You put on your big girl pants, pull up your boot straps, and try to get on with life.
You do your best to smile and not let on about how discouraged or disappointed you are with life.

I am here to tell you something...
THAT is NOT how we are supposed to live.

We are created to THRIVE.
We EACH have a divine purpose.
We are here for a reason and have been given specific talents and abilities to accomplish the role we are meant to play.

We may FEEL inadequate.
Or that we're not very important.
That we don't matter.
Those are all LIES from the PIT OF HELL.
Our enemy wants nothing more for us to believe them and to push aside our calling.

We MUST NOT let him defeat us.
We MUST make our voices be heard.
Only as we ALL join together and shout out, "We are here!  We are here!" will be change the course of history.

Yes, it's that crucial!
And we are EACH needed to make this happen.
Even YOU.
Especially you.

No matter how ignored, looked over, rejected, or judged you may have felt in the past - or even today - I am here to let you know the TRUTH.

YOU matter.
YOU are important.
YOU are needed.
YOU make a difference.
YOUR life counts.
YOUR dreams are valid.

YOU are needed.
Just like JoJo, we can't make it without you.

Please, please, please don't stop being YOU.
Please, please, please don't run and hide.
Please, please, please don't give up.
Instead, stand up.
Be strong.
Be bold.
Take courage.

Someone IS listening.
The most important Person of all.
The One who created you in the first place.
He LOVES the way you are - and made you that way for a reason.
And He has a plan for your life.
A GOOD plan.
One that will blow your mind.

Yes, you are just one person.
So was JoJo.
Yet, his ONE voice made all the difference in the story.

I wonder just how important of a role YOU play?

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