Well, I am here this morning to share my version, It Works style.
You see, there is this crazy wrap thing...
that supposedly tightens, tones, and firms in only 45 minutes.
Yeah, right!
Quick fix.
At least that's what I USED to think.
Now, I know the truth...
That would be MY belly.
4 weeks after baby #3.
The top picture is BEFORE I used any wraps (had to wait 11 months before I finally got to personally use a product I had been endorsing and putting on so many of my friends and watching them get their own great results) and the bottom picture is 45 MINUTES later!!!
Um, I'd say it works!!!
And that the results last. Because here I am over a year later, wearing NEW smaller jeans - back to my high school and college size - way before any babies!
Well, I guess I'm technically in a dress, but the size SMALL felt great and fit great, with room to spare. And my hubby looks pretty darn good too - he's down 15 pounds since he started using our products DAILY in December and working out with me.
And in case you were wondering, he wraps too!
This would be his very first wrap (had to use him as a guniea pig since I couldn't wrap myself when we started this adventure)...
Again, that was ONE wrap!
Yep, still think they DO work!
But, here's the deal. Our crazy wrap business really isn't about the wrap at all.
Not when it comes down to the HEART of the matter, the WHY behind us saying YES to this crazy business and the NUMEROUS ways it has blessed us since we did.
This is where things get good.
The "rest of the story" is the best part!
Two years ago, when I was contemplating whether It Works would work for our family, I was running an in-home daycare. I was delighted to be home with my girls (2 of them at the time). However, I was not happy. Sure, I put a smile on my face everyday, but inside I was DYING. I had no passion for life, no zeal. Instead, I felt overwhelmed with the responsibilities of caring for SIX kiddos ages 3 and under! I felt isolated as I NEVER left the house, except for a quick grocery run or to go to church. I felt ALONE, not really talking with any other adults besides my husband (whom I love and consider my best friend, but I needed interaction with other women and moms on a regular basis, for more than 5 minutes in passing here and there). I was HEARTBROKEN that I wasn't able to do all the mom things I had always dreamed of doing with my girls - playing at the park, marveling at animals at the zoo, reading books at story time, exploring in the back yard, baking cookies, making fun holiday themed crafts. I was crumbling and devastated and DYING inside...
Yet, I didn't think there was any way out of my current situation. I wanted to stay home with my "babies," but reality was I NEEDED to work and contribute to our family income. So, I did the only thing I thought I could do - run an in-home daycare. Best of both worlds, right?!
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At our Conference in 2015, Ashley Sinclair shared a story about ducks who forgot they could fly. May we remember we CAN fly! So stop waddling and start FLYING today! |
After getting a green light from the Lord, I became a distributor.
February 9, 2013.
Fast forward to today.
I have retired from my in-home daycare.
I am "homeschooling" my 3 girls (ages 1, 3, and 5). We get to go on a new adventure each day. Story time at the library. Play dates at the park. Zoo visit. Nature centers. Wellness Wednesday snacks at the grocery store. Baking treats for our neighbors. Visiting family in the middle of the week. And so many other "little" things that are going to be such precious memories to look back on years from now.
I have passion again.
I actually ENJOY life.
I feel like I have purpose.
And that purpose is in itself the "rest of the story."
Once more, it's really not about the wrap at all.
I think we've established that (or at least I hope we have).
Since we know what it's NOT about, I want to share what it IS about:
*HOPE - giving people something to look forward to, a reason to live, knowing that they do have a FUTURE that is GOOD, not clouded with debt and doubt
*PEACE - financial freedom means not having to worry about how to pay bills or put food on the table or if the car is going to get reposed or the house foreclosed
*JOY - seeing people feel good about themselves and regaining that lost confidence fills me with such great delight; seeing people be able to check things off their bucket list because of the income It Works has provided them makes me so very happy; making memories with my girls and having more time with my family certainly makes my heart overflow with joy
*FRIENDSHIPS - I have met some of the most amazing people whom I never would have known if not for It Works; I have reconnected with old friends from high school and college, going deeper in our relationships than ever before
*FREEDOM - not only can I go on adventures with my girls every day, but our family is able to go on vacations and buy the groceries we want and pay extra on our mortgage (hoping to have our house paid off in the next 5 years for sure) and so much more
*DREAMING - this business has helped me realize that it's GOOD to dream and to dream big, to pursue the passions and desires God has laid on my heart so that I can accomplish the good works He has planned in advance for me to do and bring Him MASSIVE amounts of glory in the process
*INSPIRATION - I pray my life inspires others to dream, to believe in themselves, to have hope, to live by faith and step out and try new things, to realize they have purpose and can make a huge impact on the lives of those around them and all over the world
*CONFIDENCE - I still struggle with fear and worrying about what other people think, but not nearly as much as I used to. I am learning to be who God made me to be, to pursue the dreams He has given me, to live and love out loud, to NOT tame down my excitement and zeal for life. I am praying others will see the beauty within themselves and the gifts and talents they have been given and be bold and courageous to use them and to stand up for what they believe in and to live the lives they have been called to live.
Maybe this confidence starts with the wrap and helping someone get their body back or get a body they have never had before or never thought they could have, but then it quickly goes beyond that to helping them see they were already strong and beautiful on the inside!
*HEALTH - our products have helped our family be illness free for the past TWO YEARS. I personally have more energy than ever before and don't struggle with fatigue or other health issues I was having prior to It Works. My husband tells me he notices when he doesn't take his vitamins and is making smoothies (with greens and proFIT protein powder) on his own for lunch or asking me if I have the Fat Fighters on hand if we are going out with friends and might not eat the best. My girls BEG for the greens chews everyday and happily drink their greens smoothies every morning. They pray for me to sell more wraps and get more team mates so we can go to Disney World and meet the princesses :) I guess it's gone beyond health in our family too as my girls are learning to dream big and enjoy making new friends and helping others live life to the fullest as well.
*FAMILY - kind of speaks for itself. We are actually dreaming of being a "Stay at Home Family" some day in the near future. We probably won't stay home much though, as we feel God might be leading us to travel and visit our friends all around the world as they serve in various capacities in different countries (and continents). We are sensing a tug on our heart strings to possibly adopt - going to Ethiopia this summer will probably help that process! We are dreaming together as a family.
*CHANGING LIVES - this is really what it all boils down to! Be it helping someone have more energy, feel better about the way they look, get relief from headaches or chronic pain, pay bills, go on a vacation, cut up a credit card, or anything else this crazy wrap business can do for people, It Works is ultimately about changing lives. Melissa's family wants to do that by helping those freed from human trafficking. We want to adopt a child (or 2), help others foster and adopt, and support our friends as they carry out the ministries God has laid on their hearts. We want to inspire and instill hope. We want to build up people's confidence, encourage them in their faith, and celebrate with them as they fulfill the dreams God has stirred up within them.
So, there you have it.
The "rest of the story."
I told you it was pretty good.
I mean, I may be biased, but I would say those are all amazing things.
Maybe you can connect with one or more of them.
If so, perhaps you should consider joining us on this incredible journey.
And then YOU can have your own "rest of the story" to tell!
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