Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Half-Way to Three

I am writing about this today because all 4 kiddos are sleeping at the same time, and I just have to capitalize on this amazing opportunity! Tomorrow Coralyn will be 18 months old. That means that she is half-way to being 3 years old!

How did this happen?!

Carson is 3 years old. And Coralyn is half-way there. ALREADY!

My "baby" girl is growing up so fast! Every day she seems to be able to do (and say) something new. I am waiting for the day that she figures out how to climb out of her crib. She sure is good at figuring how to climb into, onto, and out of everything else, or so it seems. Her vocabulary grows every day too. She can now say: eat (the very first thing I hear every morning), please, more, wa-wa (water), book, ball, bat, bath, bike, block (notice all the b's), cat, dog, jacket, glasses, teeth (which she loves to brush), cheese (which she loves to eat, and to say whenever I get the camera out), nana (one of her favorite foods and the name of her stuffed monkey), apple, socks, shoes, ni-ni (for her pacifier and to indicate it's time for bed), light, hello, bye, uh-oh, thank you (one of my favorites to hear), and Bible (another personal favorite). She has said some other words once or twice, but these are the ones that she uses on quite a regular basis.

This morning I had a rare treat. Coralyn woke up fairly early (especially since she didn't go to sleep when she should have), and none of the daycare kiddos were here yet. I got to sit in the rocking chair and hold my little girl. She actually laid her head on my chest, and then the best part of all, she wrapped her arms around me. In seconds, she was back to sleep. I just sat there, kissed her head, and smiled. Oh, and I once again told God thank you for such a wonderful little girl, for blessing me and giving me the opportunity to be her mama. Those moments don't happen very often. Usually she is running all over the place. Last week we went to a track meet. And I do believe that Coralyn ran at least 2 miles in the course of the 3 hours that we were there. We didn't get to watch much of the track meet, but Coralyn put on quite the show herself, so we didn't mind. I kept thinking about how someday (sooner than I probably think) we will be going to her various events and cheering her on while she runs a race, or sprawls on the floor for a volleyball, or dribbles the basketball down the court, or scores a soccer goal, or hits a double at her softball game, or earns a 9.6 on her floor routine, or knocks 13 seconds off her personal best at a cross country meet, or receives a one rating on her piano recital, or hits every note in her solo, or wows everyone with her performance in the school play, or whatever else she may do. I am excited to see what all she will be interested in as she grows up.

But for now, I just want to enjoy my "baby" girl. I have to make the most of every moment because they seem to be flying by way too fast! Like I said, she's already half-way to being 3 years old! If I blink too many more times, I am going to be watching her pull out of the driveway on her way to college. Maybe I will just stop blinking...

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