Monday, February 3, 2014


If I could have even just a penny for every time I hear, "Help me, Mommy," or "Help please, Mommy," or "I need you, Mommy," I would be a millionaire.  Or maybe a thousandaire, but I think you get my point.

I have 3 young girls, ages 10 weeks, 2 years, and 4 years.  Granted, the baby isn't talking yet, but I still her, "Help me, Mommy" and "I need you, Mommy" all throughout the day in the form of her cries.  Be it she's tired or hungry or needs a diaper changed or one of the older kids is trying to "play" with her, Kyiah definitely lets me know she needs me.

I also watch 3 precious kiddos for my in-home daycare, Monday through Friday.  So from 7 am to 4 pm, I am "Mom" to 6 kids, all under the age of 4.

I hear a lot of "Help me" and "I need you."

I wipe noses.  I wipe bums.
I open containers.  I put the lids on markers.
I get toys down from the shelf.  I put toys away.
I press out playdough.  I stack blocks.
I hold bottles.  I fill sippy cups.
I make lunch.  I get the food on the spoon.  I put the spoon to their mouth.
I get towels to wash their faces.  I get towels to clean up the spills.

You name it, I do it.

Most of the time, it feels good to be so needed.
Other times, it's overwhelming and tiring.
Some days, I just want to escape and sit on the beach.  I don't want anyone to interrupt me.  I don't want to be needed.  I don't want to help anyone.  I just want to be.

Thankfully, our heavenly Father never grows tired of helping us.  He never grows weary of hearing us call out, "I need You!"

I can't even begin to count how many times I cry out to Him.  Usually that number coincides pretty closely with the number of times I myself hear, "Help me, Mommy" or "I need you, Mommy."

And that's just me.  There are 6 billion people in the world, and many of them are calling out to God in one form or another all day long.  He's busy answering requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.  He never takes a vacation.  He doesn't even try to hide in the bathroom to get just 2 seconds to catch His breath.

He actually ENJOYS helping us.  He delights in answering our prayers.  He takes joy in meeting our needs.  He invites us to call out to Him, for any reason, at any time.

And he answers.  Every.single.time.

Today, as I respond to my toddler's "Helppleasemommy" (because she says it so quickly and runs her words together just like that), I want to remember how blessed and fortunate I am to have a heavenly Father who is answering my own "HelppleaseIneedyourightnow!" before I can even get the words out of my mouth!

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