Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Don't Want Your Money

Really, I don't.

Yes, I AM asking for your support.
Yes, I DO NEED your help.
No way Lawrence and I can do this without you.

Hence, I am writing this...
BUT, we do NOT want your money.

At least not JUST your money.
You CAN send us checks or make donations, and that would be fantabulous.
That would help us pay for our trip to Ethiopia and start an adoption fund.

BUT, if you would hear me out of my other idea, I think we could do A LOT more.

*You pick ANY It Works product(s) you want to try out over the next 3 months (March, April, May)
*You invest in your health - you feel better, look better, do more, have more energy, etc.

So you actually get something for the money you are giving to support us.

AND, by becoming a loyal customer,

*You make it possible for me to earn Fast Start Bonuses ($100 for every 2 customers I help a new team mate get in his/her first 30 days)
*You make it possible for Lawrence to earn a $20,000 Diamond bonus
*You make it possible for me to earn a $30,000 Double Diamond bonus
*You might even make it possible for Lawrence to earn that same $30,000 Double Diamond bonus (on top of the $20,000 Diamond one)

So, your money goes a long ways.

You could donate $100.
Or you could spend $33 a month for 3 months on something like greens.
That $100 could turn into $50,000+!
MUCH more effective!
That's not just our trip paid for - that's an almost fully funded adoption fund!
And that is awesome!

I have been praying diligently for God to provide for us.
And I do believe He will come through for us.

Honestly, though, I am getting a little nervous.
I like to have all my ducks in a row.
Every detail taken care of, way in advance.

I know it's only March 17 and we have until March 31, but I don't need an ulcer worrying about people's orders going through on time.  I had a team mate miss a promotion last month because she was $19 short in sales.  That's ONE order of fat fighters or lip & eye cream or something small.  $19!  All because I was frantically helping 5 other teamies promote and missed one itty bitty thing!

I would HATE to miss out on $50,000 because we were one order shy.  I would cry for days.  Seriously...

So, yes, I am asking you to spend money.
But, I honestly don't want your money.
I want you to invest in your health.
And in the process you get to support us for this trip to Ethiopia and then start an adoption fund too.
That's a pretty good deal to me!
Be it you want greens or wraps or fat fighters or thermofit or defining gel or lip & eye cream or cleanser or exfoliating peel or Confianza or facials or chews or anything else we have to offer, YOUR order goes A LONG way.

All the way to Ethiopia...
And back.

(And anything extra we have will go towards Lawrence's 3rd grade class project to raise money to help build wells via the Water Project so people can have clean water)

Once more, would you please consider if you can be part of this amazing opportunity.
If you have questions or need more information, let me know.

We can get you set up with your order in 2 minutes.
2 minutes to change a lot of lives.
Definitely worth the time.

Together, we can do this.
Together, we can make a difference.
A BIG one.
Together, we can CHANGE THE WORLD.

Let's do this!

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