I think people were drawn to the title because they were seeking meaning, wanting to know why they are here on this earth, what to do with the time they have been given, and how to make the most of their days.
My husband and I were talking on the deck last night after we put our 3 girls to bed. We were enjoying the cool breeze and soaking up the silence after a busy, hectic, chaotic day. The peace and quiet was good for our bodies, but even more so for our souls.
To simply sit and breathe.
To relax.
To reflect.
What a new concept as parents of young children who fill our lives with drama. And JOY, so much joy. But peace? calm? quiet? Not so much! :)
As we treasured this rare moment, my husband began to share from his heart. Usually I am the one pouring out my emotions and asking the "What's the purpose of life?" type questions, but last night my husband was the pensive one, the talker.
At one point he shared, "I just don't want to get to the end of life and have regrets. I don't want to waste my life."
His words hit me like a ton of bricks.
First, that he would even be questioning if he were making a difference rattled me. My husband is an incredible 3rd grade teacher. He has been teaching for 9 years now, and in that time, he has touched so many lives - in and out of his classroom.
I immediately thought about how 9 years ago, he invited his students to come with us to Ponca Bible Camp for a week of summer adventures. We had 8 boys and 1 girl join us. One of the boy's families let us borrow their 12 passenger van to make the trek down to Arkansas. As we pulled out of the school parking lot that Sunday morning, only one boy knew Jesus as Lord and Savior. When we drove down the camp hill at the end of the week and headed back home the following Saturday morning, ALL 9 children had made the decision to follow Jesus and live their lives for Him!
The next summer, 18 children came to camp with us. We had to find a school bus! Each year MORE children have come to Ponca. Last year, I believe over 100 boys and girls from our area - ages 9 to 18 - attended at least one week of camp. HUNDREDS of lives have been changed, eternally!!!
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Group picture from Week 6 of camp in 2015. Almost half the campers were from the KC/Liberty area! |
I could share story after story of how God has used my husband to speak TRUTH into people's lives, to shine the LIGHT, to offer HOPE, to be a source of JOY, to provide STRENGTH, to be a voice of WISDOM, to encourage, to inspire, to challenge, to equip, to empower, to build up the Body of believers. He's also done all that for those NOT part of the Church. Every day he pours himself out. He may work in a public school and have certain "limits" on what he can legally say and do, but he makes himself AVAILABLE. And as a result, God is using him - in so many ways, ways we may not even know about for years to come.
After listening to my husband for a little bit last night, I responded to his ponderings. I shared from my heart how I truly believe God IS using him and how we simply need to continue to be OPEN to whatever He has for us.
I am so proud of my husband. He has said YES to us going on a mission trip to Ethiopia this summer. The trip has a lot of unknowns. Given that we will be in a completely different culture, a set schedule is not guarnateed, which is hard for my organization-loving husband. Then there's the reality that we will meet and fall in love with some children at the orphanage. I have been longing to adopt for a LONG time, but earlier this week, my husband admitted he is ready to start the process. He even joked that baby #4, growing inside of me right now, will be another girl and that we will get our boys from Africa. Nothing could make me happier! Though the idea of driving a "bus" to get our family around doesn't make my husband thrilled, I think he will get used to our new reality when the time comes!
I'm not exactly sure what spurred my husband's thoughts last night, but something else he said provided a clue. He mentioned how he was happy for me. He went on to say how much he has seen me change in the past 2-3 years. Back then I was a busy mama of 2 precious girls and running an in-home daycare (taking care of 4 additional children, under the age of 4, each day). He described me as stressed, overwhelmed, sad, searching. But now, he sees me differently! Because something inside of me has changed. He spoke of how I have joy and peace and PURPOSE. And he's right! I do feel as though God has given me an amazing ministry, with countless opportunities to serve and encourage others, to make Him known, to extend FREEDOM and hope, to inspire others to overcome their fears and pursue their dreams - no matter how wild or crazy they may be. Granted, I don't have everything figured out, and I KNOW God has even more in store for me and our family. I may not know what exactly where the path before me leads or what adventures going down it will entail, but I do know beyond a shadow of doubt that I am where God has put me and am doing what He has created and called me to do! I have quite the journey ahead of me, but I AM becoming the woman He designed me to be!
My husband may not see it, but God is doing the SAME thing in HIS life.
My husband may feel as though he is at a major crossroads and not know for sure which way God would have him go. BUT, as he declared last night, "God will be wherever I go." And that filled my husband with PEACE.
We didn't make any huge decisions last night, but we did make room in our hearts for whatever it is God is doing. We did open ourselves up to whatever opportunities He is preparing for us. We did agree that God is good and confident He will make HIS purpose for each of us - individually and as a couple/family - known, in HIS timing! For now, our job is simply to follow Him.
One step at a time.
THAT right there is what the Purpose Driven Life is all about!
Won't you join us?!
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