Monday, June 18, 2012

Half Way to a Year

How is it possible that my baby girl is already 6 months old?!

Kellah is growing up, fast!

Well, I guess she's still a little thing...weighing in this morning at 13.5 pounds and measuring 23 inches long!  She is wearing 0-3 month clothes for the most part.  I did get out the 3-6 clothes, just to find some summer outfits - not out of necessity.

What she lacks in size, Kellah makes up in spunk.  From the moment she wakes up in the morning to the time she finally falls asleep at night, Kellah is "talking."  I love her smiles and laughs, her ooohs and aaahs and gaaahs.  I am looking forward to the day when she starts saying, "Mama!"  Not only is Kellah a talker, but she's also a squirmer.  This little girl does not like to sit still, for even a second.  She seems to be on the move.... all. the. time.  When she's on her tummy, she does this "trick" where she spins in a full circle, plays with the same toy for a bit, and then uses her arms to push herself round and round again.  She's not crawling yet, but she does scoot and roll to get where she wants to go.  She will push up on her arms and then kick with her legs and push off her toes to propel herself forwards.  As far as rolling goes, if I lay her on her back, Kellah is on her tummy as quick as a wink.  And then she rolls, always in the same direction, to reach her toys.

Kellah is sitting on her own now, and even got to use the high chair this weekend at Lawrence's parents house.  It was his high chair when he was a baby!!!!  Coralyn used it as well, so it was fun to have Kellah sit in it and be "all grown up."

Speaking of high chairs, Kellah is eating solids.  I am much more laid back when it comes to introducing food to her than I was with Coralyn.  I have decided not to  make baby food -- no purees or mushing things up.  I want her to feed herself from the beginning.  She has 4 teeth, so why not put them to use -- eating food, not biting my fingers!!!! :)  Sometimes when I help her hold a banana (after it's gotten all slimy and is too slippery for her to hang on to), she gets my finger instead of the banana.  Ouch!  Those teeth are sharp! 

So far Kellah has eaten banana, apple, cantaloupe, grapes, blueberries, carrots, green beans, and even black olives.  This morning she had a bite of yogurt.  When I went to put the spoon in her mouth, she grabbed it and held on, "helping" me feed her.  I let go of the spoon, and she kept it in her mouth and sucked the rest of the yogurt right off.  She did the same thing a couple of days ago when I put some of her slimy banana on a spoon since she couldn't hold the actual banana anymore.  She was a pro with that spoon! 

Back to Kellah being on the go...I think she might be pulling up on things and even walking before too long.  She loves to stand!  I will try to get her to sit on my lap or on the floor, and quite often she will just push herself up to a standing position and hold onto my hands for support. 

For our family pictures this weekend, she was able to hold onto the chair and a suitcase and stand all by herself.

I don't want to jinx myself, but in the past week Kellah has been sleeping so much better at night.  She has gone from 12:30 to 5:45 without waking up at all, and this morning she was still sleeping at 6:30!!!  I "dream fed" her then so I could go on a walk without her waking up while I was gone.  She didn't get up until around 8 this morning!  I could really get use to this whole 6+ hours of uninterrupted sleep! :)

Kellah's hair is still as red as ever, and I love that!  Everywhere we go people comment on how beautiful her hair is, and how LONG it is!  I am hoping and praying it stays red -- Coralyn's has really turned more into a strawberry blonde.  Very pretty, but not the bright red it was when she was born.

While we're talking about Coralyn -- she is still a fabulous big sister!  She has her moments, of course, but I couldn't ask for a better big sister for Kellah.  I am blessed beyond measure to be the mother of two precious girls!

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