Thursday, January 13, 2011

Going Bald

Lawrence did just have a birthday and is losing some hair, but I'm not actually talking about him. I am talking about ME!

Don't worry I am not losing my hair, though some days I do feel like pulling it out! ;)

No, I am actually going bald voluntarily.

Yes, I am going to shave my head. Well, actually I am going to have someone else do it for me. I don't think I would do a very good job.

No, this is not a practical joke.

No, I am not crazy. Unless you count being head over heels in love with Jesus, which does cause me to do some pretty crazy things sometimes.

So what am I thinking?! WHY I am shaving my head?! I'm so glad you asked....

Through our miscarriage, God has helped me see that life is so much bigger than me. He is also showing me that there are so many people out there who face difficult situations every day, situations that don't go away. I think of people who have rare diseases and are desperately searching for a cure. Usually I see a commercial or a special report on TV and feel really sorry for these individuals and their families. But I don't really give it any more thought after that. I just move on with my life. Recently, however, I have tried to put myself in their shoes. If my child had a disease or illness I would want to do everything possible to find a cure. I would tell everyone I knew about the problem and ask for their help in finding a solution. I would research and read books. I would travel to the end of the world to look for doctors who could help. I would spend every single penny I had to do whatever it took to find a cure.

With this in mind, I have started to be proactive in seeking ways that I can help others. One of the first things that came to mind was running in 5K and 10K races that benefit organizations that work to find cures for diseases and illnesses or that help families who have them. So, I signed up to run a 10K at the end of January. The sponsor is the Children's Therapeutic Learning Center. This is a little bit about them, taken from their website: More than 5300 children and families have benefited from our services over the years and we have always been committed to remaining on the “cutting-edge” as more information becomes available on best practices for serving children with disabilities and developmental delays. I am very excited about running this 10K, not only because it will be my first race since college and the longest distance I have ever run, but mainly because it goes to a very good cause (not to mention, I get in shape in the process). I have found several other races that interest me as well and am looking forward to the possibility of even running a 1/2 marathon later in the year.

BUT, God seems to be telling me that running races isn't enough. As He challenges me to make a difference in the lives of people this year, He is showing me to do that means I that really have to give of myself. That if I am really going to do this EPIC thing (our church's theme for the year), I have to be willing to make some sacrifices.

Wait a second.
Sacrifice is a scary word.
I think that is the point though.

So...I have been watching to see what else God may want me to do. He used a child to get the wheels in my ol' brain turning. I was on facebook and a friend had posted pictures of her daughter getting her hair (very long beautiful golden curly hair) cut for Locks of Love. I was so proud of this 6 six year old! I thought maybe I should cut my hair again for Locks of Love. It's only been 2 years (come the end of March) since I did it last time. I usually get my hair cut and donate it every 4 years anyway. Plus, it's long enough. I was even planning on getting it cut early. I thought May sounded good. The baby was due in July so my hair would be shorter and easier to take care of since I would have a little one demanding a lot of my time. Now that I'm not expecting a baby anymore, I didn't really have a reason to get my hair cut and decided to go ahead and wait awhile longer. God had other plans, bigger plans. He helped me see that cutting my hair for Locks of Love really isn't a sacrifice. It's actually more of a convenience, not exactly what God has in mind for me and my EPIC adventure this year.

BUT, God's plan did involve my hair. He reminded me that last year a woman at our church had shaved her head and raised $12,000 in the process. All the money went to Society’s Hope Lodge in Kansas City, a FREE place to stay for cancer patients in the Metro during treatment. Every year the organization puts on an event called Shave to Save where people volunteer to shave their heads. I thought to myself, "Now that is a sacrifice!" So, of course, that is what I am supposed to do. I signed up today.

Am I scared? Yes.
Being bald terrifies me.
I have no idea what I look like without hair.
I can't even look at my baby pictures to find out. I was born with a head full of red hair.
Not to mention my hair is my favorite physical feature. For a long time it was the ONLY thing I liked about how I looked.
My hair is my crown and glory.
Not that many people have red hair. My long, red curly hair kind of sticks out, and people remember me because of it (or at least I like to think they do).
When we go out, people comment on Coralyn's beautiful red hair, like her Mama they say. Secretly, I kind of like the attention I get because of my hair.

Which is why shaving my head is the perfect thing for me to do.
It is a huge sacrifice.
But totally worth it.
And my hair will grow back, eventually.

I can do without my hair if it means that individuals and their families will be encouraged as they fight the battle against cancer. If my being bald allows a cancer patient to have one less bill to pay, one less thing to worry about so they can focus on their chemotherapy and enjoy more time with their family, then being bald is totally worth it. If shaving my head will make a difference in just one person's life, then I am willing to go for it! Shave away. Shave to save!

If you would like to sponsor me in this EPIC event, please let me know! My name should be on the Shave to Save website soon, and then you will be able to donate through that. Each person's goal is to raise $5,000 by May 2. All the shavees who raise $5,000 or more will have their heads shaved at the big finale at the Midland Theater on May 12. (If you don't raise that much you have your head shaved at an alternate location on May 9.) If I am going to get my head shaved for this cause and be bald, then I would really like to have it done at the Midland and take part in the huge celebration. Plus, if I raise at least $5,000, then 10 people get to come to the luncheon and see me go bald. So, I would love to have you sponsor me in this "hair-raising" adventure!

There are actually several ways you can donate:
*You can go to the website and find my name and give any amount you want.
*If you or a friend donates $25 or more by check or credit card to the American Cancer Society (ACS), you will automatically get a receipt in the mail for tax purposes.
*You can come to a Wine and Cheese Tasting Auction on April 14. (Lawrence and I will be there, along with all the shavees.) Admission is $40.
*You can come to the luncheon when everyone gets their heads shaved at the Midland Theater on May 12. Admission is $100.

Thanks for helping me live out the EPIC adventure God has called me to. It's scary, and I wouldn't be able to do this without wonderful people like you!


  1. Love this! I'm sure you will be beautiful bald! Going to the website now!

  2. I think you you are going to look awesome bald! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with your fund-raising efforts.


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