Last night Coralyn slept in her big girl bed, the whole entire night! She didn't come out of her room at all, until about 8:30 this morning!
We tried the big girl bed on Saturday night, with hesitation. But when we told her it was bedtime, she went right into her room and climbed up on her toddler bed. So we figured we might as well give it a try (she's been doing quite well during nap time). Poor thing ended up falling off the bed twice! We tried putting a cushion by the bed, but the second time she fell she somehow managed to miss the cushion entirely. So into the crib we went. I was actually impressed we had made it all the way to 1 am!
Last night when she insisted on sleeping in her big girl bed, I again had my misgivings. But we've got to start sometime, so why not now? In to bed she went, and she stayed there the whole night. Lawrence did go check on her once around 10 pm, but she was fine. I heard her wake up several times during the night, but she never cried out for us or got out of her bed. She must have put herself right back
to sleep.
Taking a nap (this would explain how she fell out of bed)
I am so proud of my baby girl, who's turning out not to be a baby anymore!
She impresses me more and more every day actually. This morning it was during "school time." When we got back from the library, it was raining, so I let Carson and Coralyn watch a movie...about shapes (can't get the teacher out of me, it's got to be educational!). After the movie, I had them do a worksheet I made up. They had to glue shapes I had cut out onto the paper where I had traced the outline of each shape. Coralyn did the whole thing by herself, correctly matching a square, triangle, rectangle, circle, and heart. She even named the circle and heart! Later, we were doing puzzles, and she did an entire puzzle (dealing with shapes) all on her own! Sure makes this teacher-mama proud!
Corlayn reading a book
It's so neat to see how they learn the same things around the exact same time - almost like God designed it that way or something! ;) Sylvia is learning her shapes right now too - it's so fun to watch them learn!