Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What I Am Learning as a Mom

I read a college friend's blog today and was inspired. She was sharing about how she has changed since moving to China. Her list included taking toilet paper with her wherever she goes, saving plastic bags, paying with exact change, and other such "little" adjustments she has made to adapt to her the culture around her.

Her blog got me thinking. I don't live in a foreign country anymore, but staying at home as a mom is certainly a completely different culture than teaching 5th grade. So I thought I would reflect on what I have learned since I stopped teaching (in the official school setting that is, as I can't help but do "teachery" things at home) and how being a stay-at-home mom has changed me. Well, I really should say what I AM learning and I it IS changing me, as each day is an adventure all its own and brings with it at least one new lesson.

And since the process is never-ending, I am sure I will think of more things tomorrow, or 5 minutes after I post this blog. But, for now, this is what I have come up with:
*Getting things done doesn't always mean you had a good/successful day. Sometimes, accomplishing absolutely nothing on your "To Do List" makes for one of the best days ever because you had more time to play and enjoy your kiddos.
*Little things are really big things. Making snakes out of play dough or pretending a laundry basket is a boat or finger painting or reading the same book for the 134th time are actually super important. Your child will remember the time you spent with them, not how clean the living room was or how their laundry was neatly folded and put away every Monday and Thursday.
*Big things really aren't that big. Your child could care less about having designer clothes or the latest toys or a bigger house or a nicer car. They are content to play with cardboard boxes and don't know the difference between hand-me downs and brand new clothes or toys. So invest in what they do value and appreciate: spend time with them, make every day count, and create special memories out of every day activities.
*It's okay to sit and read a book or take a nap or spend more time than you planned on pinterest. I tend to feel guilty if I am not "doing" something. If I am not accomplishing something or checking something off my to-do list, then I am wasting time. I am being selfish. BUT, I am realizing that taking time to rest and/or relax is okay. In fact, it is good. I need to do this. When I am quiet, I can hear God a little better! I can enjoy His presence.

On the lighter side:
*The only time I ever get to go to the bathroom by myself is when Lawrence is home or if we are out and about and the kiddos stay with him.
*I can go to the bathroom and wash my hands afterward while not only holding but also nursing an infant. I can multi-task and also do the following while feeding Kellah: fix supper, get Coralyn dressed, vacuum, and check email and/or facebook.
*I can have a good 10-20 minute conversation with other moms about pee, poop, or snot. In fact, I am quite certain that this topic will come up whenever I get together with my fellow mom friends.
*I can sing the theme song to both Dora and Diego. Plus, when we run errands I use the Dora format of "Where Are We Going?" to explain to Coralyn which stores we will go to and in what order.
*I often feel like my life is on repeat and every time Lawrence comes home from work my answer to his, "How was your day?" or "What did you do today?" is always the same: changed diapers, fed the baby, read books, cleaned up the same toys 15 times, etc., etc. I tend to feel boring as well.

BUT, I wouldn't change my life for anything! I love being at home with my girls. I am blessed to be able to do so! Being a stay-at-home mom has taught me many things and is definitely changing me. I think God is using this "foreign" culture to shape and mold me into the woman He created and designed me to be. One thing is for sure, after becoming a mom I have come to appreciate God as my Father more than ever!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! You inspired me to get the play do out for the cruisers tonight-


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