Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Win-Win Situation

The devotion from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young (the "other" one) was so fitting for me this morning. For now I am just going to post the devotional itself. Later, when I have more time (hopefully the girls nap at the same time again!), I will write more.

What does it mean to win? Your friends -- and maybe even some grown-ups -- may say that winning means never messing up, never failing. It is being the best, better than anyone else, and being in total control. That is how the world sees winning.

But I have another definition. Winning -- for all eternity -- is about letting Me have total control. It is admitting that you need Me, and then trusting Me to lead you.

Don't just ask Me to bless what you have already decided to do. Ask Me what I want for you. I may fill your heart with a dream that seems impossibly far beyond your reach. And that dream will be bigger than anything you can do on your own. But remember, nothing is beyond My reach.

Yes, you will mess up sometimes, and you will make mistakes. But when you depend on Me, I will use your mistakes to grow your faith and help you win -- My way!

Like I said, I will write more later. But this spoke directly to my heart. I know putting this into practice will be hard. It may seem like I am losing at times as I give up my own hopes and dreams, my plans and what I think is best for me, and surrender them to God. BUT, in reality, it's a win-win situation!

1 comment:

  1. I love this devotional. I usually read it before I go to bed, so you just gave me a preview! And once I called the "other" Sarah Young "Sarah Smith" because I was thinking of you! -Erica


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