Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dave Ramsey Would Be Proud

Lawrence and I have never taken Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class, but we have read his book Total Money Makeover and do our best to abide by those principles.  Now that I am working again, we actually have a dependable, consistent income.  And so we have created a budget!!!!!

Earlier this week, I got my daycare checks.  As soon as all the kiddos had gone home, I loaded Coralyn and Kellah up in the car, and we drove to the bank to cash our checks.  When we got home, I laid out all our envelopes and started putting the designated amount of money into each one.  Coralyn asked what I was doing, so I explained how we want to be wise with the money that God has given us.  I talked about each envelope and what the money inside was for -- groceries, household items, gas, etc.  She got really excited when she realized that one of the envelopes had her name on it!  As I put the money inside, I told her how it was the beginning of her college fund and that it would take a long time to save up to pay for college.  I don't think she fully understand that part, but she was definitely fixated on the idea that she has her very own money.  The next envelope was for Kellah, and Coralyn wanted to make sure that her little sister didn't get any of the cash until college either!  When all the envelopes were filled, I put them away and we moved on with the day.

I guess that experience stayed in Coralyn's mind because yesterday when we were getting ready to run to Hy-Vee for a few things (we go through a lot of milk now that I am doing daycare again!!!), I grabbed some cash out of the Groceries envelope.  Coralyn reminded me, "Don't get my money!  It's for college."

Then at supper, Lawrence had to rush off to make his appointment at BioLife to donate plasma.  They have a special promotion going on, and you can earn an extra $100 after you donate 5 times.  As he was leaving, he apologized for having to eat and run, but assured me, "Hey, it's gas money."  In the past, it was exactly that, but now that we have gas money worked into the budget, I was happy to announce, "Oh no, this is 'extra' money."  Lawrence suggested we use it for date nights, but again I explained that was already set aside in the budget (granted, it's not all that much, but still!).  "How about we put it towards a vacation fund instead!"  Lawrence liked that idea the best of all.  ;)  We have been wanting to go out east, and maybe now we will be able to save up for that trip before we're retired!

Again, that conversation stuck in Coralyn's sponge-like head.  Ever since then, she has been asking about going on vacation, "like a family."  It's going to be a long 10 months...until we have enough set aside to even begin thinking about going on that promised vacation!!!

Dave Ramsey would definitely be proud of my little (big) girl.  I love watching Coralyn play and it does my heart extra good when I hear her say things like, "Okay, I'm ready to go to the store.  I've got my gift card."   Or, "Mommy, I have my coupons!"  Whenever she announces she is going shopping -- be it at Hy-Vee or Kohl's -- I always check to make sure she knows what's on sale.  Gotta teach her young!!!

I am so thankful to actually have money to put into envelopes, and blessed beyond belief that one of the envelopes is set aside for a vacation!!!  God is so incredibly good!  He has provided for us and taken care of us ever so faithfully.  He has even given us more than we could have ever imagined -- like having people donate all the supplies (and labor) to fix our roof so we can put our house on the market!!!  God never ceases to amaze me!!!

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