Monday, August 20, 2012

I Want to Feel Better, Naturally

Of course I want to feel better.  Who wants to feel lousy day after day, week after week, month after month?  No one wants to feel weak and tired.  Nobody in her right mind wants to feel nauseous, all the time, no matter how much or how often she eats.

And since it's natural for me to want to feel better, it also seems only natural to fix the problem, whatever it may be, naturally.

I think I am off to a great start.  Ever since we returned from camp (and as much as I could during the two weeks we were at Ponca), I have been gluten free.  Eliminating gluten from my diet wasn't all that hard, thankfully, since I don't really eat all that many carbohydrates anyway.  I do miss my bowl of oatmeal in the morning, but I found a suitable replacement, and it's quite tasty.  Funny, the name of the mix is "Mighty Tasty Hot Breakfast Cereal."  Though, I think the honey, cinnamon, pecans, and mixed berries definitely don't detract from the tastiness!  :)

I have also been going to a chiropractor/nutritionist/wellness doctor since we got home.  After both treatments, I have left feeling more relaxed and more energized, not to mention positive about the progress I am making in between visits.  I am drinking 24 ounces of Aloe Vera Juice every day and taking 2 enzyme tablets after my 3 main meals each day.  Dr. Salas "prescribed" these to help me actually digest the food I am eating and enable my body to use it properly, as well as get rid of the inflammation that is inside of my body. Apparently, the stress of the past year has built up in me, literally.  As a result, my gallbladder, kidneys, liver, thyroid, adrenal glands, and lymphnodes aren't very happy with me.

To further appease my internal organs, Dr. Salas mentioned eliminating any chemical stress in my life.  This is where my "I'm going to make all of my own cleaning and personal care products" frenzy has come in to play.   I already try to be as green and environmentally friendly as I can -- we recycle; I use water and vinegar for most of my cleaning; I use "free and clear" laundry detergent; etc.  However, I had never thought of the chemicals in my shampoo, body wash, lotion, hair supplies, deodorant, make-up, toothpaste, and who knows what all else!  I read today that women on average put over 117 chemicals on our bodies every single day!  The cancer rate for women who work in the home is 54% greater than those who work outside of the home (I think that is the right stat, but I could be off a little...still, it's staggering!).

I am starting to notice a difference.  I actually exercised on a regular basis this past week.  I haven't done that, a very long time.  And for a girl who loves to work out, that has been super hard for me.  I was getting pretty discouraged, almost depressed I think.  I didn't understand why I wasn't feeling well and didn't have any energy to even play with the girls.  I thought I was eating right and taking care of my body.  I was certainly trying to do that.  Little did I know how much I could my entire life -- just by making little changes, like making my own household products.

Every spare minute I get (which isn't many now that I am doing in-home daycare again), I am researching and taking notes from what I read on the internet.  I am asking other people who know more than I do for advice and tips and suggestions.  I am learning quite a bit, but I am realizing how much more I still don't know (and might be sickened to find out).  What I do know is: I don't want any more unnecessary chemicals in my home!  Not only for my well being, but for Lawrence and the girls too!  So, if I can make our own cleaning and personal care products, then why not?  If I can save money in that process, that's an added bonus -- a big one!

I am excited to share this adventure with you all.  I got some glass canning jars today and will get some more containers this weekend.  I will also buy all the supplies I need to totally transform our home so that we can replace anything store-bought with a homemade product.  I will post my recipes, as well as pictures I take as  I make each thing.  Then, you can try everything out for yourself...and let me know what recipes you use and like.  I would love to learn from all of you as well.

Together, we can make our homes (and the world!) a better, safe, healthier place.  

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