Another month has passed, and this time I wanted to be sure to blog about Kellah's latest accomplishments and milestones.
Today, she is 8 months old!!!
Apparently, Kellah hasn't gotten the memo that she is still a baby. She sees everything that the big kids are doing all around her, and she is determined to join in on the fun as well. She watches them carefully, observing everything they do and say. Then, she tries her hardest to mimic them.

Kellah is now an expert at pulling herself up and standing to play. If I put her down on the floor, in just seconds, she has crawled or scooted herself over to the coffee table or a toy or the shoe stand to pull up to a standing position. A few times she has let go and stood by herself for a few seconds!!! If she sees something just out of her reach, she will try to reach out and get it with one hand, while steadying herself with the other hand. She gets this look on her face like she is thinking really hard and trying to figure out how she can get over to the toy without sitting down or crawling to get it. After a few seconds, she will look up at me and reach her hand out, as if she's saying, "Okay, Mommy, I need your help. Hold my hand so I can walk over there and get that toy!" I will put my hand out for her, and she grabs it immediately and starts moving wherever she wants to go!

If I try to put Kellah down on the ground, she wants to stand, not sit. I have to coax her to sit, at least for a second. As soon as I let go though, she is on the move!!! NOTHING is safe in our house anymore!!!
Not only is Kellah pulling up and standing, but she is cruising! She can walk the length of the couch and all the way around the coffee table. She can also walk around in her crib as she holds on to the sides. When she wakes up from her naps (or at night), she pulls up and stands on her tiptoes to try to see over the top. Super cute!!! I just wish she didn't think her crib made for a tasty snack! :)
Speaking of eating...Kellah LOVES to eat, as long as she is feeding herself. She's not too keen on me putting the food in her mouth, with my fingers or a spoon. Oh no, she has to do it herself! If I do try to put something in her mouth, she will spit it out, pick it right back up with her hand, and then feed herself! She LOVES blueberries and gets quite messy eating them. I often just plop her in the kitchen sink after breakfast for a quick bath. She really likes being in the water. Now, if she would just stay seated in the bathtub! :)
Kellah is also becoming quite the talker. Her first word was "Mama," of course! Now she has added, "Dada," and some "bababa's" and "ga's" and "aaaaaaaaaahhhh's". I guess she doesn't like silence because she is always making noise and "talking" away. Lawrence says she is going to be a verbal processor! :)
As far as size goes, Kellah is still pretty little, but that's okay with me. I measured her today, and she's 25 inches long and weighs 15 pounds on the dot. Most days, she wears clothes that are 3-6 months. Today, though, her onesie says it is NB!!! And it fits just fine, even over her cloth diaper and cover! Crazy! She may be small, but she is strong and a go-getter for sure! She's going to have to be if she wants to keep up with her big sister! :)
I love my baby girl so very much! I am so thankful for her and the blessing that she is to our family!
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