Friday, April 27, 2012


Coralyn asked me to read a Bible story to her today before her nap.  How could I refuse?

I opened up her Jesus Storybook Bible to the "passage" we were going to read tonight before bed.  It was so perfectly fitting for where I am at in life that we might just read it again this evening.

So what, pray tell, did we read?! :)

The parable of the hidden treasure from Matthew 13.  I especially liked the part where Jesus explained the story to the crowds.

Jesus said,
"Coming home to God is as wonderful as finding a treasure! 
You might have to dig before you find it. 
You might have to look before you see it. 
You might even have to give up everything you have to get it. 
But being where God is -- being in His kingdom -- that's more important than anything else in all the world. 
It's worth anything you have to give up!" 
Jesus told them.  "Because God is the real treasure."

So, so true. 

BUT...digging is a lot of work, hard work.  Hard work that takes time, lots of time.  And energy.

And looking isn't easy either, especially when you don't see anything right away.  Or you are looking through tears.  Or if you're in the dark and can't even see your own hand right in front of your face. 

Then, there's the "giving up everything you have" part.  In no way, shape, or form is that easy to swallow.  More like gagging on a nasty-tasting pill that's the size of Texas.

Thankfully, there is a bigger "but." 

But being where God is -- being in His kingdom -- that's more important than anything else in all the world.  It's worth anything (and everything, and more, and then some) you have to give up!

Jim Elliot said it well, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
And the thing is, Jim Elliot isn't famous for just coming up with this quote, but more so for living it out.  He gave his life here on earth so that others could receive the free gift of eternal life in Christ.  Then, to top it all off, his wife (widow!) forgave the men who killed Jim (and his colleagues), lived with them, and as a result saw their tribe transform from headhunters to Jesus followers.

Certainly, Jim Elliot is a wonderful example of a person who dug, looked, and gave up everything to have the treasure of knowing Jesus and living for Him no matter what the cost.  He's an inspiration.  His story encourages and challenges me to live "openly and expansively" for Christ (like Katie Davis did with her book).  I am sure I could find many, many more books about those who have made or are presently making sacrifices for the sake of God's kingdom.  But, the most compelling story is found in THE Book.  And the main character is God Himself, and His Son Jesus.

The Jesus Storybook Bible put it this way:
God had a treasure too, of course.
A treasure that was lost long, long ago.
What was God's treasure, His most important thing,
the thing God loved best in all the world?
God's treasure was His children!
It's why Jesus had come into the world.
To find God's treasure.
And pay the price to win them back.
And Jesus would do it -- even if it cost Him everything He had.

Can't get much more inspiring, and convicting, than that.  If God Himself was willing to give up everything for me, when I was still His enemy (according to Romans 5:6-11), then surely I should be willing to do the same in return.  Only, I think I get the better deal.  By far.  Jesus died.  I get to live.  Jesus took my guilt upon Himself and paid for my sins -- with His blood!  God now sees me through His Son's blood and I am declared innocent.  My sins are totally and completely forgiven. 

How can I NOT be willing to dig...even if I have to use my bare hands and get dirt under my fingernails.  Or get callouses.  Or dry, cracked skin that bleeds.

How can I NOT be willing to look...even if I don't see anything on the horizon for miles and miles.  Or it's pitch black and I can't even see my fingers wiggling in front of my own nose.

How can I NOT be willing to give up everything I have?  Jesus gave Himself for me.  I want to do the same for Him.

I'm not a lottery player or gambler by any stretch of the imagination.  I am, however, willing to bet that living openly and expansively for Christ, no matter the cost, is the best investment I could ever make.

And in so doing, I just might "lose" everything. 

But, really, I will have hit the jackpot!


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