Seriously, another month has come and gone! And so, Kellah is now 4 months old.
She's been busy these past 4 weeks!
One of her bottom teeth is completely in, and it's neighbor just popped up today. Her top two teeth are just about to make their grand entrance, as well. In fact, you can see them underneath her gums. I think they just might come out, instead of down!!!
Showing off her new tooth!
Due to these new teeth, Kellah hasn't been that great of a sleeper at night
lately. She generally wakes up every 2 hours to nurse, but thankfully she doesn't dilly dally at all. Usually she's done in just 5 to t0 minutes, and back to bed I can go. They longest she's gone in one stretch this past week is 4 hours, and for some reason that's consistently been from around 2 am to 6 am!
Kellah's always liked to suck her thumb, but she is all about that now as she gets her teeth. And it's not just her thumb, but all her fingers that apparently help soothe those gums. We've started wearing bibs too now, as she went through 4 outfits the other day, before 9 am!
One of the few pictures I got, without her fingers in her mouth!
She's still the sweetest thing ever, even with all these new teeth. On most days, she's all smiles and laughs. She enjoys "talking" with me and copying sounds I make. I love when she starts giggling and waving her arms in excitement. When she does start to get tired, in goes the thumb, and if I catch it, I can lay her down in her crib and she'll go to sleep without a fuss!
Getting tired, so in goes the thumb.
Minutes later, she is fast asleep on her blanket in the living room.
If she doesn't have her fingers or thumb in her mouth, Kellah is chewing or sucking on a toy of some sorts. It's fun to hear her toys rattling in the car seat as she plays while we drive. She definitely does better in the car at this age than Coralyn did :)
Speaking of her big sister, Coralyn loves Kellah and has been so good to give her toys or read her books. Lately, though, Coralyn has been trying to roll Kellah over more, or even pick her up!!! Usually I can appease Coralyn's attempts at loving on her sister with the suggestion of hugs and kisses. This morning, I was able to capture some of these precious moments on camera!
Coralyn is having a hard time realizing that some of the things I am getting out now are just for Kellah and not her. Like the Bumbo seat, which Kellah really enjoys sitting in while I am making supper or cleaning up in the kitchen. Coralyn still thinks she can fit in the Bumbo and wants to make sure Kellah is taking turns with her! :) I wonder what Coralyn will do when I get the Johnny-Jump-Up out for Kellah to try! I did attempt to have Kellah play in the walker/exasaucer thingy the other day, but the poor thing was too little and head dived into the tray. Guess we'll have to wait a bit on that one.
Kellah is still a wee little thing. She weighs a whopping 11 pounds now! She is about 22.5 inches long. She's still in 0-3 month clothes, and some newborn stuff. A friend so kindly gave us some disospable newborn diapers that didn't fit her baby anymore, but they fit great on Kellah. We just used the last one yesterday! So now it's back to cloth...
Even though she's small, Kellah is trying to keep up with her big sister. She's been pulling on her blanket and wanting to move during tummy time. She's even tried kicking her legs or getting up on her toes. Coralyn never really did crawl on her hands and knees (just army crawled or rolled everywhere), so we'll see if Kellah does or not.
I'm not really sure what else to say about Kellah now that she's 4 months old. I love her to pieces, seemly more every day that I get to spend with her! I am so blessed to have two precious little girls who call me Mommy! 
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