Friday, December 16, 2011

This Is Out of Control

Earlier this week a friend shared with me something one of her friends had posted on facebook. And now I am going to pass on the friend of a friend's words of wisdom to you (hopefully I come pretty close to the original).

I told God things are out of control. He replied, "Whose control are you talking about? Everything seems to be under control to Me."

How true, how true! So often I feel like my life is spinning out of control. I don't like or understand what is going on. I don't enjoy what is happening. I feel like I am at a loss of what to do or how to solve the "problem." So I throw my hands up in the air, let out a huge sigh or even better just start crying.

I kind of feel like this right now actually. While I may appear calm and relaxed and non-chalant about being "overdue," I am quite ready to have my baby. I am so eager to meet her, and introduce her to the world. After waiting nine months for this special moment, having to hold out a few more days seems like torture. BUT, I know that God has His reasons for making me wait, for "delaying" the baby's birth. He keeps reminding me of Psalm 139 and how He has numbered all the days of this child's life, including the very first day. I know His timing is perfect, and so I try to be patient while I wait for the day He has planned for our little one's arrival.

BUT, I don't like not being in control. I don't like not knowing the details of her birth. I don't like not being able to make definite plans. The verse about not saying "tomorrow we will do this and that" is really hitting home about right now, as we have to keep on telling family and friends, "We'll have to play that one by ear" or "If we haven't had the baby yet..." I have no idea what tomorrow will hold, let alone the rest of today! I really could go into labor at any moment :)

And so right now things seem to be out of control. Not just with the extra days of pregnancy, but also with our financial situation and the unknowns of what the year ahead holds for our family. With all this uncertainty, I find it very easy to think that things are "out of control." All too often these days I find myself all wrapped up in worry, my mind racing a thousand miles an hour as I try to figure out what our next step is going to be and how in the world everything is going to work out. Which is why I am very thankful God used a friend of a friend to remind me that things aren't out of control at all. Quite the contrary. Everything is completely under control -- HIS control.

1 comment:

  1. Girl I hear ya. Someone once told me that when our lives feel chaotic is b/c we aren't seeking God's perspective enough. WAY easier said than done! But it is good to stop and remind ourselves of that. When I was pregnant with Micah last year at this time I was in pre-term labor big time. I just needed him to stay inside until after Christmas and then at least until January. It was so rough not being able to plan and know what to do. With your first it is just you and the hubs you can go to the hospital all you want, but when you have another small child to think about it makes us planners all the more stressed! Crazy now looking back on all of that since we are nearing the year mark. Just wish I would have trusted more. And as my husband so kindly told me "He will come on his birthday! HA!" Hang in there like you said you won't be preggers forever!


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