Saturday, February 4, 2012

Every Blessing You Pour Out

I love the song, "Blessed Be Your Name," and the lyrics were running through my head this morning as I reflect on God's goodness lately.

The past few months have been tight financially, but God has been so faithful to provide for our every need. It's easy to start to feel sorry for myself as I see people around me buy things that we can't afford or to compare our lifestyle to others who are more well-to-do. Then, God brings me back to reality, humbles me, and reminds me how truly blessed I am. A friend posted on facebook this morning, "If you make more than $25,000 you are wealthier than 90% of the world." Well, that puts things in perspective. Here I was thinking I was on the "poor" end of things when really I am quite rich. How could have so quickly forgotten what life was like for my neighbors in Haiti? Let me remember, I have a house -- with electricity and running water, heating and air conditioning, food in the fridge, furniture in every room including an extra bedroom, and boxes stacked in storage. That's not poor...

In addition to all my material belongings, I have a family who loves me. Both of my parents are still alive and well, and extremely generous. My husband is my best friend. My two little girls love me unconditionally. And to top it all off, we are all healthy. That's not poor, not at all.

As if family weren't enough, I have some pretty amazing friends, both near and far. Every week I get to hang out with some of these people at church and for Bible study. Others, I can text or email or "talk" with via facebook any day I want. Again, in things that truly matter, I am far from poor. I am actually quite wealthy.

And then, as if God wanted to really emphasize how blessed I am, He has answered my prayers and given me the desires of my heart. Specifically, I get to be a wife to the man of my dreams, a stay-at-home mom to my precious girlies, and do something I am passionate about on the side: teach childbirth classes on the weekend. Not only has He provided for us financially, He has allowed me to contribute to our income in a way that I really enjoy. Not everyone can say that they like their job, but I can! Overly blessed, yes indeed. It's like the cherry on top of the chocolate-covered, whip cream-doused triple scoop ice cream banana split sundae.

The song goes, "Every blessing Your pour out, I will turn back to praise." So that is what this blog is all about, giving God the praise He so rightly deserves. I may not have a lot of money in my bank account or drive the nicest car or wear the latest trendy and fashionable clothes, but I am certainly blessed beyond words. And I want to thank God for that, because it is all His doing. Which is why I wanted to take the time to shout out, "Blessed be Your name!"

Now it's time to go enjoy my blessings and spend the next hour with my awesome family before I head to a baby shower with some of those amazing friends I was talking about earlier and then later this evening worship with even more of them at church. I think I will be singing, at least in my head, all day.

"Every blessing Your pour out, I will turn back to praise. Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

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