Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Coralyn Sandwich

I am now a mother of three, for awhile at least.

My little strawberry shortcake Coralyn is now sandwiched between two curly blonde, blue-eyed boys. Lawrence has always said he wanted our boys to have blonde hair like he did, so I guess his wish has been granted, for the time being.

These boys are the cutest things ever! T-Rex (as I have nicknamed him) is 3 and 1/2 years old and his little brother X-Man is 13 months old. They arrived yesterday just in time for lunch, and boy are they good little eaters. And polite too. Well, T-Rex is. X-Man doesn't talk much, or at all really. :)

T-Rex is a go-getter and a little bit of a daredevil. We went outside in the backyard after supper last night and before I knew what was happening, he was hanging upside down from the bar on the swingset. He proceeded to flip over and land on his feet. His next move was to climb the ladder and get ready to go on the monkey bars, but I thankfully saw him in time and requested that he climb back down! So on to the slide he went, climbing up it with no problem and then sliding back down with a "Wheee!" Seconds later he was ready to jump on the trampoline, and he actually jumped. I saw air under his feet (both of them!). I wasn't ready for this, nor was Coralyn who was also on the trampoline. But she quickly figured out that T-Rex was a serious bouncer and just joined right in with him. If T-Rex wasn't swinging from his legs or performing some other crazy feat, he was running around kicking or throwing one of the balls in the yard. Now if I could just capture some of his energy and inject into my body! :)

X-Man is a sweetie and pretty relaxed little guy. He seems kind of small for his age, or maybe it's just that he is a bit behind in his motor and language skills. He still doesn't hold his own weight, like if I tried to hold his hands and pretend walk with him, he would just sit right back down. He does eat really well, and by the end of the day he was doing some "baby talk" and starting to pull up on a few things. His huge blue eyes capture your heart in one single glance!

T-Rex loves his little brother and plays really well with him, making sure X-Man gets a turn with the ball or whatever toy the kids might be playing with at the time. Not only does T-Rex like his baby brother, but he seems kind of fond of babies, as he has already kissed the baby in my belly several times. And he gives great hugs too!

Overall, the boys seem to have adjusted quite well on their first day. And so has Coralyn, assuming her role in the sandwich as the middle sister. She gets right out there and tries to do everything T-Rex does, and makes sure X-Man has his cup of milk to drink. So, thank you so much for your prayers as our family has doubled in one day. We appreciate your continued prayers as we continue this new and exciting adventure!

1 comment:

  1. You have an X-man!! We fell in love with ours and I'm sure you will fall in love with yours!
    It sounds like t-rex could be quite the little handful once the 'honeymoon' wears off - here's to hoping he's always as polite! :)


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