I had wanted to write out a sequel to my previous blog post, "Save It for Later." I realized after I finished it, I had more thoughts swimming in my head. Also, Coralyn did a classic "save it for later" move and I wanted to share about that.
However, more pressing things are happening. So, I will just have to save my additional comments for later.
If you are part of the Desperation Community, then you probably know everything I am about to write. You very well might know more than I do about the present situation. This is mainly for those of you know me from high school or college or wherever else and have seen my facebook posts asking for prayer Baby Samuel but don't know exactly who he is or why prayer for him is so urgent and necessary. I thought I would fill you in, and beg you to keep praying for this precious baby boy and his family.
A little background on the Allen family:
Brian and Grace Allen attend my church, and they are special, special people. Brain's nickname is Wolverine, and if you ever met him, you would immediately know why. His looks shouldn't scare you though; he is one of the most amazing men I know. Which is fitting because his wife Grace is one of the most amazing women you will ever meet. When we sing, I love hearing Grace's voice in the back of the room. She is so enthralled with Jesus and that comes out beautifully when she sings. Brian and Grace help in the children's ministry, and if you ask any kid at Desperation they would tell you that they absolutely love Miss Grace!
Two of their boys, Caleb and Joshua, have come to Ponca Bible Camp with us. Caleb is one of the sweetest kiddos, and his brother Joshua is too (although Joshy-poo, as I like to call him, can be a little honery at times). Caleb's dark black hair and Josh's rat-tail are unforgettable, as are their kind hearts and precious smiles. Their little brother Micah is pretty cool too. He just turned 2.
Now for the reason why I am urging, begging, you to join me in prayer:
Grace had Baby Samuel last Wednesday. At some point during the labor, Grace knew something was wrong. I like to say that Grace and the Holy Spirit are pretty tight. In fact, I think Grace has the gift of faith. She is a prayer warrior if there ever was one. So, I truly believe the Holy Spirit told Grace that she needed to have the midwife call 911. Amber, who just so happens to be the wonderful woman who helped us bring Kellah into this world, immediately called 911. By the time Samuel was born, the ambulance was there. During labor, Grace's uterus ruptured. I don't know all the other details, but I do know that Baby Samuel was without oxygen for some time. When the ambulance arrived, the EMT's or firemen or whoever immediately bagged him. Both Grace and Baby Samuel were rushed to the North Kansas City Hospital. Grace had to have surgery for her ruptured uterus, but Baby Samuel needed more help and had to be transferred to Children's Mercy Hospital. He has been there since.
Baby Samuel didn't show signs of brain activity, so the doctors put him on a cooling blanket. This makes his body extremely cold, almost hypothermic.
Yesterday, they began the process of warming him back up to a normal temperature, in hopes that this would activate his brain waves. As of last night, I hadn't heard if the treatment was successful or not.
On facebook today, Brain posted a picture of Grace holding Baby Samuel.
I am not certain what exactly that means for him. Brain did mention that they are not out of the woods and still need a miracle on behalf of their son. That Samuel is still alive is an act of God. Our church family is praying earnestly for God to work again and heal Baby Samuel completely. This would certainly be a miracle, something that God alone can do! Yes, the doctors can try their best, but really it's up to God. We desperately need Him to come through for Baby Samuel and the Allen family.
I pray that like the Samuel of the Bible, this little boy will grow up to love God, hear His voice, and serve Him wholeheartedly all of his days. I pray that Baby Samuel will bring massive amounts of glory to God's name, that his life will showcase the glory and power of God in supernatural ways. When people ask Samuel his life story, there will be no denying that God's mighty hand was at work from beginning to end.
Please join me in praying for this precious baby boy. Spread the word. Tell as many people as possible to pray for Baby Samuel. And then, when he is healed, we can all rejoice together! What a celebration that will be!
praying for samuel! may the name of JESUS be glorified in his life!