Sunday, March 18, 2012

Kellah at Three Months

This cannot be! My baby girl is three months old already!

Kellah is quite good at rolling over now. She is also pretty good at pushing herself up, so I know she's gonna be on her knees soon!

She can sit up/lean on the couch as well.

Most nights Kellah sleeps 6-8 hours straight, which is super nice for me! During the day, she eats every 2-4 hours.

I think Kellah's absolute favorite thing to do though is to suck her thumb, or all of her fingers, or sometimes to try to get her entire hand in her mouth.

She's starting to coo and gaa and "talk" more and more, which I absolutely love. She likes to smile and laugh too. The other day we had the best chuckle together!

Kellah's hair is still really red, and crazy as ever, with her little shoot that always sticks up no matter what I do. Usually I just put a bow on that part to make it look cute and like it's supposed to be sticking straight up.

I don't really know what else to say about my baby girl, other than I love her like crazy! She brings such joy to our lives, and I am extremely blessed to be her mommy!

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