Today is Carson's birthday, and we got to help him celebrate turning 4!
Coralyn jumped on one of the many vehicles right away.
She needed a quick lesson in steering, and stopping!
Next, she played in the house with Saba and Sam.
Then, she was on to draw with the sidewalk chalk.
Let's try out this jeep!
She wasn't too sure about the big ball that you could get inside and roll around in.
She was sure, though, that she needed to be right next to Carson while he opened presents.
She also thought it was very important to pick up all the tissue paper, immediately.
Let's eat!
She had to sit right by Carson.
Time for cake!
Apparently, Coralyn couldn't wait to finish singing, "Happy Birthhday, Carson!"
See that finger swipe in the corner?
That would be from my daughter's finger :)
Granted, she did just watch another little girl lick the other side of the cake!
Once she did get her cake and ice cream, I don't think she could shovel in her mouth fast enough.
Pinata time!
Thankfully, Coralyn didn't hit the little boy going after a piece of candy!
Coralyn getting a big hug from Saba and Carson.
We miss Carson so much and are thankful for the 2 years we had with him!
Coralyn wasn't the only one who had fun at the party.
Kellah seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit as well!
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